Open MIC (№ 427396)

The school is a pretty vain institution. If you study poorly, everyone scolds you. They say you're bad, you can't do anything. But if you grew up and achieved something, the school will not forget it. Every first of September, the director will say: "A wonderful man, a satirical writer, Ruslan Viktorovich Bely, studied within our walls. And there will be a teacher who will say: "And I saw his talent in the fifth grade. And there will be another teacher who is old and who understands that she will not be anything: "White has achieved something? So he's dumb! Do you want to show him an essay? And he's not there, he didn't write because he's dumb!"
Release Date: 23.11.2018
№ 427396   Added MegaMozg 11-09-2021 / 17:15

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