Comic: Alan Moore. Batman. Killing joke

Did just one day to the most intelligent man in the world landed in Durkee.
№ 254630   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 13:04
Ha Ha Ha. You know, it's funny... what's going on here. Reminds me of a joke... Well, there were once two men in a madhouse... And one night... One night they decided that they no longer like it... And wanted to escape. Well, they got out on the roof and saw only a small distance separates them from the neighboring house, and then a whole string of roofs extends in the moonlight... the Road to freedom. And he calmly jumps to the next roof. And his friend... His friend did not dare to jump. You see... you See, he is afraid to fall. Then, the first comes to mind is a great idea... He says: "Hey! I have a flashlight in there! I'll make some light in your direction, and you can reach me on the beam!" B-but the second guy just shakes his head. He g-gg... says... He says: "I t-you MAD or what? Well'll turn it off when I'm halfway I will!
№ 241127   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 16:07
... And to turn the most sensible person in the world a total nutcase, just need a bad day.
№ 241125   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 16:07
Ladies and gentlemen! You read about it in the papers, and now I see with my own eyes! Tremble in front of you is one of the most rare and monstrous errors of nature! So... a Completely normal person!
№ 241124   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 16:07
Remember? I would in your place did not. Memories threat. The past is full of worry and anxiety. The bad old days, you could say. Memory is so treacherous. First she brings you a bouquet of pleasures. Touching mother smells of childhood, the magical glow of youth, all that tinsel. And then she will lead you where you do not want to go back. Where cold and dark, where in the fog are wandering vague shadows that, as you had hoped, will never return. Memories, these little bastards can be mean and nasty. Just as children are. But can we live without them? In the end, memory is the basis of reason. And therefore, we reject the mind, if you can't reconcile with its own past. On the other hand, why not? No one seems to be not associated with the mind long-term commitments. Why should all the time be of sound mind and memory? So, in the event of an unsuccessful turn of your thoughts, if you at full speed entered in the area of memory where there is an unbearable horror, remember: madness is always there. Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step across the threshold, leaving behind this whole nightmare, and lock the door. Dissociate itself from him forever.
№ 241122   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 16:07
Despite the fact that life is a Bank of cherry jam,
And you recently come across some bones,
You should always remember one thing:
Everywhere chaos and pain and fear,
The whole world is bathed in tears,
And the news of the devastation, famine and war.
But I'm willing to give you advice,
How to escape from these evils.
No doubt - my concept is correct.
Later crazy - smart, like airplane!
Later mind - let the saliva and dance the cancan.
Mister, life is beautiful in a cage for safe -
Drive away worldly stuff.
Promisei all this tin
In ward number six
And injections twice a day!
So get off the same roof
Like an Express train without wheels!
Take the roof,
Like a drunk skier downhill.
Floating around full of worries,
Let groans mournfully, the people
You can smile from ear to ear!
Yes, your son bonehead,
Wife in hysterics screaming,
But you are calm, like a Cheshire cat!
Lose my mind
Like hamlet, the Buddha and Nero.
The reality is the joke
This whole life is a nightmare.
From despair, my friend,
We will save the shocks!
The world is a fucking prison.
Do not wait - come down off the mind!
№ 241120   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 16:07
No, you just look at that poor man! That's what makes people a dose of reality. I personally because of this shit and not touch. She, you know, stopping to hallucinate.
№ 241119   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 16:07
When you worked with the best of the best, everything else is a step back.
№ 241117   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 16:06