Comic: Besoboy

Give a bastard control of Heaven and he still can't do a damn thing except another Hell.
№ 447416   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2022 / 23:36
Art is when you just take it and do it. You don't ask permission and you don't seek approval. Just... you do. And then you sit on the sidelines and enjoy a beautiful picture of a very big bang.
№ 447415   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2022 / 23:33
You even made hell for yourself in Hell...
№ 447414   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2022 / 23:30
There is no good God! He's just an experimental scientist! Threw a bunch of bacteria in a Petri dish and dumped on a smoke break! We are multiplying here, wandering around, suffering, but he doesn’t care about that!
№ 447411   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2022 / 23:21
We're not here to monitor people's actions. Only those elements that threaten the existence of all living things. We need to be strong. Sometimes ruthless, but always fair. And personal preferences should not influence our actions in any way. Over time, people will learn about our work. And at first they are unlikely to understand. When this happens, we will be called anything: executioners, overseers - but not heroes. But it is not important. The results are important.
Quote Explanation: Dzerzhinsky's speech to IBSC recruits
№ 447410   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2022 / 23:18
The plague is a great excuse to get drunk.
№ 447409   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2022 / 23:15
Magic is different. Black or white, classic. Black and white, like an old TV, colored and angry, like the feverish delirium of a child who has eaten too many colors. In general, for every taste. But the strongest, that, real magic has one distinctive property. It is completely invisible until it disappears.
№ 447408   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2022 / 23:12
You see - power, it's like a permanent job, or something. As a result, you spend all your time and energy trying to stay in power. You begin to see conspiracies against your loved one where there are none. You take it out on the alleged dissatisfied. It's not long to wait for real conspiracies.
№ 447406   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2022 / 22:27
Of all animals, only humans have the choice to kill or not.
№ 447404   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2022 / 22:15
I am like vitamins. The proc is inconspicuous, but it exists. And not just for you personally. You just need to look at things from a different angle.
№ 447270   Added MegaMozg 04-12-2022 / 23:21
The world seems to have gone crazy. Damn what's going on. People are acquiring superpowers en masse. Children run between worlds. The characters are escaping their books en masse, and the demons are fleeing Hell. And sometimes, like clockwork, something from the completely forgotten pantheons appears, as if asking: “didn’t you wait?”
№ 447264   Added MegaMozg 04-12-2022 / 22:45
All these guns, all this gunpowder... What's the point of killing someone from a distance? Everyone sits in pits like moles in shit and clicks their triggers. War is now the property of cowards.
№ 447223   Added MegaMozg 02-12-2022 / 18:57
People. What strange creatures they are. They seem to be fragile, but as soon as they get into trouble, surprises immediately begin. What an ordinary person can endure can surprise even an immortal. But sometimes there are situations when even the strongest person needs help.
№ 447030   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 14:54
№ 447029   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 14:51
Do you know what is the scariest thing in this world? Inevitability. The realization that sooner or later, one way or another, you will be overwhelmed by a stream of events that cannot be changed.
№ 447026   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 14:42