Author of quotes: Christina Stark

Maybe it’s worth mentally subtracting status, youth, money and sex appeal from any relationship - and then it will immediately become clear what their essence is?
№ 447521   Added Viker 15-12-2022 / 10:19
If the word no for a man is an empty phrase, then this is more a reason to run away from him than to fall into his arms.
№ 447520   Added Viker 15-12-2022 / 10:18
Probably, autumn is a permanent state of my soul. Time to stop, look back, burn bridges, build new ones. Let go of what worries you. Heal what hurts. Forget everything that should be forgotten. Or at least try.
№ 447519   Added Viker 15-12-2022 / 10:18
I imagined him going out onto the balcony and lighting his first cigarette in six months. He quit smoking, but bad habits never completely go away, they just lie in wait for us where we fall.
№ 447518   Added Viker 15-12-2022 / 10:18
Sex is not a self-service canteen where everyone worries about how and with what to satiate themselves. Ideally, this is a restaurant where you get full service, and if the food does not cause appetite, then the problem is not with you, but with the skills of the chef.
№ 447517   Added Viker 15-12-2022 / 10:18
Violence may not solve the problem. But violence against rapists restores balance to karmic scales.
№ 447516   Added Viker 15-12-2022 / 10:18
We all need such a person in our lives. The one who digs us out from under the rubble, heals the wounds, wraps us in a blanket of his love and shows the other side of life: the bright one. We all need a person-support, a person-warmth, a person-hope. And if God sends us such, then the first thing to do is to hold on to him. And the second: thank you.
№ 447515   Added Viker 15-12-2022 / 10:18
People glorify love as if it were some absolute blessing, a 100% recipe for happiness, a golden ingot. But love can be dangerous, toxic, and destructive if there is no kindness in it.
№ 447514   Added Viker 15-12-2022 / 10:17
Suicide is a mockery of those who would give anything for a healthy, strong body. A mockery of a mother nursing a terminally ill child. Above a man who spends days and nights at the bedside of his dying wife. Over an old man who is unable to save his only son.
№ 435190   Added Viker 02-02-2022 / 11:11
A person rarely analyzes his actions and draws conclusions. We prefer to moan and curse fate.
№ 435189   Added Viker 02-02-2022 / 11:10
Non-reciprocal feelings are only a problem for the one who experiences them.
№ 435187   Added Viker 02-02-2022 / 11:10
As they say, if you don't know who betrayed, look around, the traitor is near.
№ 435186   Added Viker 02-02-2022 / 11:10
We all make mistakes, and then we try to find a way to redeem them.
№ 435185   Added Viker 02-02-2022 / 11:10
But who wants to think about the consequences? After all, it's boring.
№ 434889   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 05:57
If a guy refuses to come when you're in the hospital and you ask for it, then... he's not worth even thinking about.
№ 434888   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 05:54