Author of quotes: Valery Popov

Blood is the only ink. Blood is sure to smell in any strong prose - even if there are no direct tragic events in it. Dovlatov Valery Popov 3.4
№ 444781   Added MegaMozg 21-09-2022 / 09:21
In a small town, people look more noticeable and larger, relationships are more visible, you will be recognized and appreciated faster - in a metropolis you go through “misunderstood and unrecognized” to gray hair, but here everything is in plain sight.
№ 444780   Added MegaMozg 21-09-2022 / 09:18
The place of an idol, a trendsetter in literary fashion, a talented young writer who is supposed to be admired, was already taken by his close friend Veselov. Don't tease a friend? Dovlatov, however, could. But in time I felt: Olympus is too small.
№ 444779   Added MegaMozg 21-09-2022 / 09:15
I do not understand and dislike people who need only be tired to consider the day spent with benefit.
№ 444778   Added MegaMozg 21-09-2022 / 09:12
That's why literature attracts, that everything is available there that you think hard about in real life - and you'll be afraid, you won't do it.
№ 444770   Added MegaMozg 21-09-2022 / 00:33
If you don't know what to do, do it yourself.
№ 444769   Added MegaMozg 21-09-2022 / 00:24
Of course, you can always find good reasons not to do something. But everyone is judged by the results, and not by the reasons that got in the way!
№ 444768   Added MegaMozg 21-09-2022 / 00:21
After all, the most pleasant people to feel that they are good, and I, in a stupid turnover hitting, gave them the opportunity.
№ 284180   Added MegaMozg 24-04-2017 / 18:23