Author of quotes: Alexey Shevtsov (itpedia)

My God is Ben Franklin. Because he is material, I believe that he was, unlike your God. My God, unlike yours, has power. My God can help me - yours can't. Your God gives you hope, when you have problems - my God solves these problems.
Quote Explanation: Alexey comments on the words of the person who left the comment. The comment said that Aleksey inserted an advertisement into an "Orthodox" video. In response to a commentator, itpedia responded with this phrase. (D*un* YouTube #8 [8:40])
№ 439305   Added Viker 26-05-2022 / 11:56
Tolerance is no longer freedom. It is built on categories, it is built on the principles of infringement of other people's rights. Law is a countable concept; it is an exhaustive resource. The right of one person appears when this right disappears from another person. This is what your tolerance is - you give rights to some, taking them away from others.
№ 427498   Added Viker 14-09-2021 / 11:22
The most delicious destinies are prepared for the most insane of people. Today you need to live the way others are afraid, so that tomorrow they will not be able to live. Yes, the path to success is vague, but that is why it is vague, so that not everyone will get it. Therefore, either madmen or idiots become successful because they have not pissed off.
№ 413304   Added MegaMozg 09-02-2021 / 13:45
Most valuable to me was my life. Life in my understanding, it's not when I breathe, eat and shit, and death is not when you ceased to breathe, eat and shit. Life is the existence for themselves. So you never feel beholden to someone. Not lived to their own detriment for the sake of someone's wishes. Life is when you live for self and their dreams. So in 30 years you never broke off with a dream to buy a car for the sake of education for their children. "You're down and out selfish!" - write me someone, "You're s**SOS and I p**UY your opinion" - I will answer him. I'll die a happy selfish than you squeezed lemon altruistic. Altruism is slavery. I x*W spit all, I owed nothing to anybody except the parents, perhaps
№ 361311   Added MegaMozg 18-02-2019 / 05:02
Pripyat is the greatest example of the power of the natural world. It is impossible to break. Persistence, power and beauty. Do you realize how artificial our familiar world. Should we leave something, at least for thirty years, and no one will remember that we are here once was.
№ 301333   Added MegaMozg 19-09-2017 / 12:09
In the city [Pripyat] security work, not to steal the metal, but it is now almost gone. Ordinary railings in residential buildings, all cut down. Previously sealed flat now with broken doors. Pilfered everything. People are animals with no fear, no respect, no sympathy. Only the sheen of the benefits in the eyes.
№ 301332   Added MegaMozg 19-09-2017 / 12:06
Pripyat. It was founded in 1970 year, it was one of the most rapidly developing cities of the time. This is a unique phenomenon - a city born in the Union and preserving the Union itself. Soviet Union never died. He lived, lives and will live always. Of great interest to me, Pripyat represented the fact that this is the last place where I will be able to touch the past and see it exactly the way it was. Because there is the past preserved forever. This is the most unique place in the world. Making his way through the thick thorn grove in an abandoned school, I saw dozens of posters, motivating children to learn, to become better and improve. Posters to believe the party and its power, its virtue, it is an indescribable feeling. For a moment I felt jealous of them. He believed in the bright paint of their seemingly non-existent future. We do not believe even in their present.
№ 301331   Added MegaMozg 19-09-2017 / 12:03
To visit Pripyat, I didn't understand what lures people in this town, but, being in this place, the atmosphere reigning there pierced through me. You completely lose the ability to speak, getting there in the first few seconds. It with what not comparable feeling, bordering the wonder and joy of what he saw and compassion. There is an immediate redefining of values, you realize that the world around us, it is only the objects and things, and nothing more. You pass through the tunnel of leaves and its depth notice of the ten-storied house, next to him another house and another, a whole street of these houses. It was an ordinary Soviet district, it was a common Soviet street, where he drove cars, work shops, people hurrying to work and now it's empty. Imbued with these thoughts, your body suddenly sprinkled goosebumps like rash. Before your eyes are the family at the bus stop, you see thick traffic, you see the open Windows of apartments, but this no longer exists. Literally in an instant it all ceased to exist.
№ 301329   Added MegaMozg 19-09-2017 / 11:15
The problem with children is that they grow up and not always a child grow up a successful lawyer, doctor, astronaut. It can grow up a bastard, a drug addict, a murderer, a thief and many others. And education of your *** doesn't mean. Raising human society, not the family.
№ 293474   Added MegaMozg 09-07-2017 / 20:03
A woman is not just dishwasher, it is the altar of spiritual peace. The woman always coordinates the actions of his men. It soothes, it energizes, must help him to understand the mental differences, the woman needs to charge her man's motivation, to be his North star.
№ 293337   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2017 / 13:09
I believe that when a woman will feel all the responsibility in choosing men, she will wonder if she will marry someone then it ***it? It will be more prudent to choose a man. Because the number of normal marriages will increase.
She talked to the girlfriend who will complain that her husband Bob of her ***it with a bottle that has too much salt in the cabbage, and once again think - is it worth it to throw on the first ***, which is considered cool? Increase the sense of responsibility of choice.
The woman in tandem with ***Ahn will not be able to raise a normal child. Now women will be more enlightened and better men and make them normal, educated people.
Quote Explanation: Commenting on the law on decriminalization of domestic violence.
№ 293336   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2017 / 13:06
The language of force is the language of the marginalized.
№ 293334   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2017 / 12:12
The idea of the superiority was always weaker than the idea of brotherhood. Always the most powerful Empire of humanity was a result of the merger of peoples. The same scoop that you all masturbate, the same Mongol Empire, the largest continental Empire in history. Before Genghis Khan the Mongols were constantly killing each other, because some of the Mongols were not morality. Genghis Khan came and said, "You what, ***Sosa, you're the same, you are all Mongols!". So they banded together and gave all ***s.
№ 292570   Added MegaMozg 30-06-2017 / 21:39
The ideology of racism is to accuse someone of something that he did not commit. I find a million reasons to hate people. People are cynical, people are cruel, ungrateful people, people lie, people kill, people destroy. And so many reasons to hate the human race. Why to attribute the only thing the man is not guilty? Killing is a conscious choice and lie too, and to destroy, too, but to be born black is not a choice, it's fate.
№ 292566   Added MegaMozg 30-06-2017 / 21:27
The Communist party took efforts to destroy God, but still they have failed - they tried to destroy Jesus Christ, but it created a new Lenin, and later Stalin. Only not believing in Jesus, you would have nothing except the heaven punishment, and that not believing in Lenin... ***EN you would, bitch! A national traitor, damn it! There has been only a substitution of concepts. Instead God became Lenin. Well ***be the difference!
№ 292564   Added MegaMozg 30-06-2017 / 21:21