Author of quotes: Alexander Makarov

People are forced to hide their true desires and do what is expected of them, follow a logical chain. Step left / step right - firing squad. Only feelings do not lend themselves to logic, and in the end we get broken destinies.
№ 426827   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:13
For many decades, women fought for the right to choose, for the freedom to be themselves, for independence and independence, but, as practice shows, they did not receive all this to the fullest extent. Most of us are tightly bound by chains of stereotypical scenario - garden / school / institute / marriage / children, which prevent to break numerous fears. No one wants to be chained to a pillar of shame, even if not real, but imaginary. If you suddenly want to break off the conveyor belt - you will be pointed with a finger, laughed behind your back, discussed and condemned.
№ 426826   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:13
It has always seemed to me that parents should love their children unconditionally, regardless of the circumstances and life scenario. To love not only when he does what we think is right, but also if he chooses his own path that is different from parental beliefs. We humans are all very different, and expecting your child to be like you and live your life, real or imagined, is a crime. A crime against the person.
№ 426825   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:13
Looking at these seemingly fake colorful buildings, trying to understand why I don't like them? Everything around is clean and tidy, the territory is not yet polluted with human waste, mothers with strollers are leisurely strolling along smooth asphalt sidewalks, and even pigeons, on my suspicions, are embarrassed to shit on the windshields of cars. Utopia, and nothing more. Usually any space where I am evokes a gamut of emotions in me, but not this time. There is only emptiness. If you blow it, the houses will collapse, like in a fairy tale about three pigs. There is no story here that firmly binds every tree, every lamppost to its place, pours from windows, penetrates road cracks and endows objects with a soul.
№ 426824   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:12
I was originally born a proud bird with huge wings, just from time to time they were clipped to me. No matter how gorgeous a woman is, there is always a skillful manipulator who can convince her that she is a chicken. Therefore, from time to time you need to carefully peer into the mirror to understand who you really are.
№ 426823   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:12
When you get out of the standard scheme, then a target gradually appears on your forehead, into which each bastard tries to launch an arrow poisoned with poison.
№ 426822   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:12
The cult of the body has ruined many lives. I believe that a person should be loved not for abs and not for a pumped-up ass. You just need to love a person, regardless of the circumstances and his condition. When he succeeds or fails, when he is healthy and when he is ill, in periods of great joy or in times of despair. Nowadays, many began to treat the choice of friends and partners as the choice of a car or household appliances, first they will study the characteristics, think over the pros and cons, and then decide whether they need it or not, and with the same pragmatism they will easily find a replacement. Lose weight, get fat, swing, do whatever you want with your appearance, but stay human, please.
№ 426821   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:12
Today I realized that the best defense is not an attack, the best defense is love, which pulls its silk threads from the heart and envelops you in a soft but strong cocoon, preventing evil from penetrating through it.
№ 426820   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:12
We run through life, losing and gaining, we count money, destroy health, spend time on empty people, spending it not where we want, and not with those who are needed. What's inside? What will be left of you if you remove all the masks? What does your inner child look like and what does he really want? Clearly not Martini and treshka in the center.
№ 426819   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:12
Maybe I will die alone, maybe no one will ever figure out what is hidden in the depths of these eyes, but I will be true to myself and from this happy. After all, respecting yourself, accepting, appreciating, loving and never selling your soul - isn't that the most important thing?
№ 426817   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 13:06
No man is worth ruining his life. It would seem a banal phrase, but we women, for some reason, constantly forget about it. Until we come face to face with such experiences, we very categorically talk about other people's emotions and think that this will certainly never happen to us. We read blogs of famous psychologists, give advice, give grades, and then fall into an emotional pit in the same way, forgetting about all the "correct" attitudes.
№ 426816   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 13:03
When anger goes away at the person with whom you were once associated with a relationship, only peace remains. There is a forgotten tenderness, but with a taste of sadness, because subconsciously you understand that nothing can be returned back, but you try to believe that all is not lost, that there is always a chance to revive former feelings, remembering the legend of the phoenix bird.
№ 426815   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 13:00
Void. As it turns out, is multifaceted. And tangible. You can touch it with your hands, you can plunge into it, you can hide and get lost in it. But in the void it is very difficult to breathe. She grabs you by the throat with an icy hand, runs her claws over your ribs until she plunges into a barely beating heart.
№ 426813   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 12:54
Live honestly, love openly, "eat" right. Don't let them stuff you with artificial substitutes. No one knows when the end will be. Dash between four digits. When the eyelashes stop flinching. When the eyes will not be opened.
№ 426811   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 12:48
People are the most powerful resource. True, often directed, unfortunately, not at creation, but at destruction. Including self-destruction. Many have not only lost their sense of smell and taste, but also their sight and hearing. Lost ourselves. They spend precious time on what instead of pleasure brings only burnout. Exhaustion. Physical, emotional, intellectual.
№ 426810   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 12:45