Author of quotes: Angelica Mashkovskaya

The pawn is very often underestimated, but it has unique properties. Having reached the edge of the playing field, the pawn can become any piece. She, because of her unpredictability, is dangerous.
№ 465578   Added MegaMozg 03-04-2024 / 15:09
No matter how much we deny, our lives are just footprints in the sand, washed away by the wave of a new generation.
№ 463233   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 14:45
If you need me static, in one role, print out my photo and hang it on the wall, then I will definitely be only the one you always like.
№ 462153   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:30
Some people are just like roses: they are always luxurious. Others are modest and inconspicuous, like a dandelion, which, when it is closed, you don’t want to look at, it can even cause alienation, but when its bright yellow inflorescences bloom, it captivates with its immediate charm. It looks friendly and is surprisingly hardy.
№ 461068   Added Viker 13-01-2024 / 11:42
Essentially, shame forces you to despise and condemn yourself for being human.
№ 457549   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 11:49
Everything important for you is determined only by you, so it does not matter what and who says about your choice or decision. You alone determine the course of your life. Be true to yourself!
№ 454022   Added MegaMozg 03-06-2023 / 09:03
I mistakenly believed that this statement can be applied to romantic relationships. That if a crisis has come and nothing can be fixed, then you need to try again and again in order to achieve the resurrection of feelings and lost harmony. But practice has shown that if in a pair one tries, and the other indifferently watches his attempts, then everything is doomed to failure. And this quote is focused exclusively on a person: only you yourself can stumble, fall, and then rise, thereby becoming stronger, more experienced and wiser. In other words, make mistakes, and then resurrect like a phoenix from the ashes, becoming enlightened.
№ 453839   Added MegaMozg 26-05-2023 / 06:54
Soar like a bird on the gusts of air, and do not concentrate on the landing point, missing the opportunity to enjoy the flight ...
№ 453480   Added MegaMozg 08-05-2023 / 09:54
You dream of justice, and the bandits - to bury you for these bright dreams.
№ 453386   Added Viker 04-05-2023 / 10:46
Memory is a territory covered with the mist of mystification, where wild wolves of anger and sorrow live, over which the feeling of guilt circles, falling down like a kite and digging into the same bleeding wound with a sharp beak. This is a place with mirages of bliss and creepy ghosts that can whisper destructive motives.
№ 452910   Added MegaMozg 19-04-2023 / 08:00
Some have a zest inside, while others have an apricot pit. And it is not clear whether it will sprout and delight with juicy fruits, or you will break your teeth about it while you try to break through to the core.
№ 449556   Added MegaMozg 03-02-2023 / 13:54
If there is a reincarnation, then it does not manifest itself in the way that the authors of science fiction books and films try to impose. Let's say it's not my first time on Earth, but so what? I don’t remember my past mistakes, I don’t remember the key moments, and - unlike the same “Groundhog Day” - every day (and life in general) is perceived and written from a blank sheet. In other words, even if there is a reincarnation, what should be comforting or frightening about it for me? This boils down to the thought experiment “Schrödinger’s Cat”, when you don’t know whether he is alive or dead, but if in the experiment you can open the box and find out what state the animal is in, then in life it is impossible to check your choices and what each one leads to - and all that remains is to juggle probabilities.
№ 447850   Added MegaMozg 22-12-2022 / 09:45
We don't want to wait until spring. . .
№ 446434   Added MegaMozg 14-11-2022 / 12:45
And I know that I myself unconsciously contributed to this, because conformism was instilled from the cradle - and this became my usual style of behavior, while it was necessary to strive for assertiveness.
№ 445214   Added MegaMozg 07-10-2022 / 10:09
Each person is like a Gothic cathedral whose stained glass windows are unique and assembled from pieces of personal experience. Small fragments of actions and events form a series of paintings that together create a common plot and determine the very life story of a particular person. And when you enter the cathedral - in the everyday life of a certain individual - you find yourself in a special color and light atmosphere of the windows, which depict significant moments from the past. They are involuntarily reflected on the people who entered the temple of the soul, and have an impact, because the scenes on the stained-glass windows cast a shadow on the visitor's skin, coloring in their motives and playing on the strings of mood.
№ 444221   Added MegaMozg 10-09-2022 / 07:36