Author of quotes: Isaac Sirin

If you want to turn someone to the truth, then grieve for him and with tears and love say a word or two to him, and do not inflame with anger at him, and let him not see in you a sign of enmity. For love does not know how to be angry and irritated with anyone or reproach anyone with passion.
№ 443822   Added MegaMozg 25-08-2022 / 12:45
It is better to turn away passions by mindfulness of virtues than by resistance, because passions, when they come out of their field and are erected on swearing, imprint in the mind their images and likenesses. This swearing acquires great power over the mind, greatly disturbing and discordant thinking. And if you act according to the first rule we said, then there is no trace of passions in the mind to chase them away.
№ 421394   Added MegaMozg 24-06-2021 / 09:57