Author of quotes: Bestnes

You are fighting with yourself. That one hand reaches for the other hand. You will never defeat yourself with the methods that feed you. And you will believe in the art of lying. The words have already been said. Life is written. Fight only in what is permitted. You're just another imitation.
№ 446254   Added MegaMozg 08-11-2022 / 00:09
I teach you harmony. You are again in conflict with yourself. Calling me me. Basically, it's you. All lives around are invented. There is no one but you do not look. But let's go back to those texts. Where they taught you who you should be.
№ 446253   Added MegaMozg 08-11-2022 / 00:06
What is silent cannot be expressed. All that truth, the wind roughens. The fact that knowledge is not in these letters but beyond. Those who understand only read the signs. In mindfulness, mindfulness looks. In silence more than that I have created.
№ 446252   Added MegaMozg 08-11-2022 / 00:03
So I said inventing justice. Everyone can work but some will not be lucky. Luck also came up with a fair one. And everyone began to think about the family to take. There was an excuse for everyone. And everyone became smart. Defined them as smart. And I became myself.
№ 446251   Added MegaMozg 08-11-2022 / 00:00
All people are equal only in equality. Each is unique individually. There is no complete personality. Who compares only with himself. And even two people are called numbers. And there is no one who would not name them. Everything is clear myths. There is always more knowledge in ignorance.
№ 446250   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 23:57
You were respected for it. Because you were like everyone else. And you didn't respect yourself for that. But respect helped you to lie beautifully. Even alms were given in the form of money and goods. In the crowd, you only forgot your name. And I remember that I was not you.
№ 446249   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 23:54
All lives are forgotten in words. Those invented fairy tales have long been printed. Putting each dot at the beginning. Between the letters there is nothing that was not there. You built everything from suggestions. So I could not tell my life at the end.
№ 446248   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 23:51
In fact, I'm an illusion only for you. You don't have to do anything but believe in what you invent when thinking about me. And am I real to those who see me as those who do not know themselves. Reality played with definitions of itself.
№ 446247   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 23:48
The way of a fool taught by books. The road is only according to the rules from and to. You can only argue using memorized thoughts. And invent only what others will understand. Not love, not knowledge, but only letters. From now to now.
№ 446246   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 22:54
Truth is not sought in the teachings. And they are looking for those who do not need to be. By giving me a Nobel Prize, only learning can be defiled by knowledge. In those races for illusory worlds. Many read days live. Everyone believes that tomorrow will be worthy. And today, to hell with it.
№ 446245   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 22:45
In those moments of weakness. When crowns fall When the kings are below the bottom. And when the queens are ordinary. All those masks have already been dropped. All the same as all the usual. In those moments of weakness. Everything becomes really like worthless two-faced.
№ 446244   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 22:30
And she is a crowd of voices. Everyone else is afraid. There is always a struggle in those arguments. Not with the topic of who, but for something to fight. Today you got up again. Always vanity she beats. I'll put on new pants. The mascaras don't care, but it will be killed.
№ 446243   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 22:27
I created you in my mind. And something else alive. Depending on who I created, I named. Everything that the mind has created has always been a game. Calling the child nobody. People's names were handed out. While training yourself. None of the mind and in the definition of everything was and became.
№ 446242   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 22:24
You have happiness. How is it different from misfortune? Only because it is not happiness. So do others have the same seas that do not differ from clouds. All that in the definition has already outlived its usefulness. You are happy in your unhappiness of always-wishing for happiness.
№ 446241   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 22:21
Everything you showed me became me. Something that is not valued in the world, but there is a dependence. From simple things, the scale of evaluation of my self is tilted. Each coin will be given away. The price is in price tags only. All items are free. Free is always paid.
№ 446240   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2022 / 22:18