Author of quotes: Elzarette-Victoria Kinneward

Of course, I like to stay awake at night and enjoy the cool darkness. When darkness falls on the city, the mind is filled with silence, silence, calmness. The events of the day turn into a long forgotten past. Night is my favorite time of the day, because only in these dark hours I have hope that everything will be fine in the future. It is during the night hours that faith is born that everything will end happily. And as the night will be replaced by day, so grief will be replaced by happiness ... And fears will sink into oblivion and all frightening assumptions will turn out to be stupidity.
Quote Explanation: A quote from the double-named writer Elzarette-Victoria Keeneward (1995) from her philosophical short story "The Private Accuser"
№ 451274   Added Viker 13-03-2023 / 09:24
I believe that reading is the best pastime for those who are single.
Quote Explanation: A quote from the double-named writer Elzarette-Victoria Keeneward (1995) from her short story "The Private Prosecutor"
№ 449855   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2023 / 02:21
Sometimes it is better to be ignorant than to be afraid or disappointed.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the double-named writer Elzarette-Victoria Keeneward (1995)
№ 449854   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2023 / 02:18
Smart people's only companions are books.
№ 449853   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2023 / 02:15
Imagination is the most powerful weapon against the real world. Be afraid of the imagination, because only it can forever lead to the most terrible places of the human subconscious.
№ 449852   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2023 / 02:12