Author of quotes: Andrey Makarov (Ortlib)

- Everyone is, and were. It's like in the taiga - there are many different trees, but each has its own purpose, its own place. You foolishly climb through, you can remain without eyes, but then it will be your fault, not the tree. And if there is dust and rot in the trunk and roots inside, then it falls by itself, sometimes straight into the river, - said grandfather.
№ 453245   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 15:30
By infancy, a bush is a palace, and moss is a feather bed, but by old age, a place of its own is needed.
№ 453244   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 15:27
It's good when you bend your back at will. And it happens, after all, that life bends down - you can’t straighten up.
№ 453243   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 15:24
We know, but sometimes we behave like animals. Afterwards, it comes back to haunt us. Take even a cage: put a person in it, and you will get two prisoners at once. One will sit inside, and the second will stand outside to guard. And it is still unknown which of the two is freer.
№ 453242   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 14:06
stays and you can't hide from it.
№ 453241   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 14:03
If people were awake at night and slept during the day, then all their things would be only dark gray. And one person from another would be distinguished only by the voice. But in the daytime, everything is simple: what clothes you wear, you will be. Dressed as a fireman - you are a fireman. Dressed as a general - go, command. It is immediately clear to everyone who you are.
№ 453240   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 14:00
Who wants, he will find. He will come and ask. Living eyes always need something. Desire is ahead of knowledge here. Whoever knocks on a door will open it. There is a door for everyone in life. To find the right current, open it and go on with great joy. And how to live without happiness, then under you the earth is not earth, but only clay.
№ 453239   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 13:57
Kasyanich's daughter lives in the city. We spent the night with her. Just in a new house has an apartment. High up on the ninth floor. I went out onto the balcony, looked, and all around, melancholy, melancholy, some houses stand in a gray square, and the yard is like a prison in transit. And the trees in that yard are small, sickly. It is immediately clear that they lack light and air. One word - prisoners.
№ 453238   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 13:54
Eh, poor guy. It pushed off from one shore, but did not stick to the other. And so it floats in the middle, where the river will take out.
№ 453237   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 13:51
They will not send the sun further, you will not fall below the earth. Tried it - didn't work.
№ 453236   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 13:48
- Where can you get me? I suppose I live on earth, and she, mother, is common to all of us. We drink the same water, we breathe the same air. The earth itself is your home - live as you like, even along, even across, and no one can tell you! And if you don’t have your own hut, you don’t need it - what you don’t have, you will never lose. I, like your cat, do not need a booth. I'm not a chain. Not tied to one place.
№ 453235   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 13:45
A man smokes the sky in vain, that people have nothing to tell him about - that's what black envy eats him from the inside. He sticks to healthy people, dreams of big things, and ask in detail, all dreams about a fat piece of bread with lard will turn out. That's what gets mad at others. Licks hands of owners, barks at others. And if necessary, it will bite the owners. You need to avoid such.
№ 453234   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 13:42
To each his own. For one fish, another fish is overdeveloped. If some kind of fish began to live as a person, others would not accept it. And a man can easily live a century as a fish. Even a free bird, even a gray mouse, even a chain dog. But a man - he rarely succeeds.
№ 453233   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 13:39
- How to say? Rather no than yes. Well, how can you guys be friends with him? They tell him: “Let’s go knock down birds from slingshots,” and he: “No, they are alive, you can’t.”
№ 453232   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 13:36
- This is such a person that he has lost the will to live, he walks the last meters around the world. It happens that someone becomes weak from hard work and hunger, and even begins to wither by leaps and bounds. There is no will in him to cling to life. The current has two desires: to eat to the full and sleep. Can't think of anything else. And this is a terrible thing. Such thoughts suck their master dry. Here it comes.
№ 453231   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 13:33