Author of quotes: Vilfredo Pareto

The growth of the well-being of society reaches its maximum, and the distribution of the optimum resources when conditions are created in society for the implementation of any project, if it does not worsen anything, without harming anyone, improves the position of at least one person.
№ 427555   Added MegaMozg 15-09-2021 / 01:48
Twenty percent of the effort give eighty percent of the results, while the remaining eighty percent of the effort - only twenty percent result.
Quote Explanation: Pareto Law.
№ 373574   Added MegaMozg 30-06-2019 / 10:04
Rome exploited only to the Mediterranean basin, England, operates a large part of the globe.
№ 223348   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 12:32
No one is saying that the powers that be there is an infinite amount of wealth, but they behave as if such a stock is.
№ 223290   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 12:30
If one individual killed or attempted to kill another individual, it is pity of our philanthropy is directed only in the direction of the killer. No one mourns the victim, but worried about the killer. Not too harshly treated by the poor judgment? As he, luckless man, will make "moral pangs"? How soon will you return him to society where he will be able to openly resume his "exploits"?
№ 223284   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 12:30
History is a cemetery of aristocracies.
№ 77438   Added MegaMozg 04-01-2017 / 12:32