Character: Captain Holt

- Sir, the witness came with the child. While she was being interrogated, I took him to the playroom, but the situation with the toys is quite sad...
- Is this your opinion or a child's opinion?
- Mine.
- A question with a catch. Opinion about toys is always childish.
- We only have toys from the movie "Genie Called" there, and there is not a single genie among them.
- I can give my children my extra engineering calculator.
№ 426930   Added MegaMozg 01-09-2021 / 20:27
She's the devil, and dance with the devil, then to be burned alive.
2 Season 22 Series
№ 287974   Added MegaMozg 26-05-2017 / 09:52
- Don't get too cocky. When I met the parents of Kevin, I said "Fünf Gesänge" Brahma is the opus 106, while it is, of course, 104. Since they weren't talking to me.
Really? Just because of this?
Yes... Well, because they are terrible homophobes who think I made Kevin gay with their magic genitals.
4 Season 7 Series
№ 287418   Added MegaMozg 18-05-2017 / 08:50
And now two pictures [shows]. One - the contents of your locker, on the other - Philippine landfill. Which one that is?
- [referring to one photo] Is a dump.
- On both your locker!
- Should have guessed! He's good...
Quote Explanation: Captain Holt chastises Jake in front of everyone
1 Season 2 Series
№ 219120   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 09:04
- You have time to get out on the tables. Look! Leftover food, crumpled tissues, pictures of your families...
What's wrong with photos?
- If you love them, you'll remember what they look like.
2 Season 16 Series
№ 209116   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 11:52
- Do not always understand messages from Peralta. Writes that they are still waiting for the results, and I'm good. Then the box with the question, another box with a question, another box with a question, another box with a question. What does it mean?
- What is your phone does not support Emoji.
2 Season 7 Series
№ 208942   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 11:46