Character: Burt

It happens that in life a person is smart, but on the canvas his face takes on a stupid expression. It happens that a person’s gallantry is inseparable from him, but it escapes from under the brush, and with it everything else. It seems to me that I will convey your beauty only superficially: eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips. But this is not enough. Your beauty is smart, sarcastic, I would even say rude. She tempts me so much. I don't want to make a mess out of her.
Quote Explanation: From the novel "Arcanum"
№ 446534   Added MegaMozg 16-11-2022 / 00:06
Once I too was lost and broken. Did not leave the house, confused in his feelings. I lost my confidence. But gray meaningless days someday come to an end, and you find the strength to move on. You can experience anything.
Quote Explanation: From a quote from the novel "Arcanum"
№ 446511   Added MegaMozg 15-11-2022 / 17:42
Afraid not to die - afraid to forget your face.
Quote Explanation: Novella "Arcanum"
№ 438287   Added MegaMozg 06-05-2022 / 12:24
Time should be spent with loved ones, not with just anyone. Then it will pass quickly, you will not have time to notice.
Quote Explanation: Novella "Arcanum"
№ 438286   Added MegaMozg 06-05-2022 / 12:21
“Death becomes a cure only when you take it at the right time. No need to self-medicate.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the story "Arcanum"
“Death becomes a cure only when you take it at the right...
№ 434821   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 02:33
Death shouldn't scare you. Death is as natural as birth. We are born and live this life knowing what is ahead of us. Do not be afraid.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the history of Arcanum
№ 434525   Added Viker 26-01-2022 / 18:50
Burt, Gert, and Julio, this is your guide - C. J.
- Thank you for agreeing to be our guide around the school.
- "Hmm, in my opinion, harmless."
- In General, show them the lockers, classrooms, the cafeteria and the answer to all the questions will they have about the school *leaves*.
Okay, who's ready for high school, raise your hand *raised hand*. Don't be afraid, just raise your hand if you have any questions about the school.
- You're not the decree!
- Listen, you raised your hand and it's not a question... who Have normal questions about high school?
- No!
1 Season 24 Series
№ 378938   Added MegaMozg 21-09-2019 / 19:12