SelfPub: strong people

Strong people usually break the silence.
Not whining, the energy for the lips smile,
Life path with confidence, think of exactly
Live light and even learn from the mistakes.
The aid will come as soon as needed,
Shoulder substitute always, will rise.
But suddenly, some very ordinary morning
Their lives are destined to end.
№ 261354   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 20:52
And I think: why? So, for no reason?
Because the same have the strength, and life, and plans!
Don't cry strong. And don't whine to Men.
In half.
Only weak women cry quietly.
Their disturbing dreams the night the air sad.
They have their strengths and favorite boys
Which is not the fate of becoming old.
№ 261353   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 20:52