death [Theme] Page 1

Quote in English
Quote Explanation: From an interview with The Guardian newspaper, 1967.
№ 465046   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2024 / 15:15
And the last song has its end.
Quote Explanation: Analogue: No matter how long the rope winds, it will end.
№ 464968   Added MegaMozg 20-03-2024 / 03:24
And death from old age is accompanied by grief and deep sadness, although it is inevitable. Oh, if only this could be changed! I wish I could live for centuries! Or better yet, not die at all!
№ 464940   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2024 / 16:27
- Yes. It happens that a person holds a face, and no one knows what is going on in his soul.
1 Season 1 Series
№ 464905   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 13:01
Death is the worst thing that can happen to us, for it is our main sorrow, and at the same time the best, since it is also the end of all sorrows.
№ 464780   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:42
You see, a person leaves almost no traces of himself. You are born into the world, you try to do something, without knowing why, but you still continue your attempts; Having been born at the same time as many other people, you are connected to them, and therefore, when you try to move your arm or leg, you seem to be pulling strings, but the strings are tied to the arms and legs of everyone else, and they are all also trying to pull them and also don’t know why, they only know that all the strings are tangled and interfere with each other, just as if five or six people were trying to weave a carpet on one loom, and each would like to weave his own pattern into it, but you know that this does not matter no meaning, otherwise those who created this machine would have arranged everything much better, and yet it cannot but matter - after all, you continue your attempts, in any case you should continue them, and then suddenly it turns out that everything is over, and from you are left with just a block of stone on which something is scratched, unless, of course, someone bothered to put this marble up and scratch something on it, and now the rain pours on it and the sun shines, and soon no one remembers a name , what these scratches mean, and it doesn't matter either.
№ 464741   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2024 / 12:36
Nature does not always hint at love to us. It also threatens us; it reminds... of inaccessible secrets. Isn't it supposed to consume us, isn't it constantly devouring us? There is life and death in it; and death speaks as loudly in it as life.
№ 464513   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:00
Death is a wall, and during life no one will know the highest truth hidden behind this wall.
№ 464450   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 11:27
The law should be like death, which spares no one.
№ 464447   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2024 / 11:27
Man is a child of nature; but she is the universal mother, and she has no preferences: everything that exists in her womb arose only at the expense of another and must in due time give way to another - she creates, destroying, and she does not care: what she creates, what she destroys - if only life would not be translated, if only death would not lose its rights...
№ 464430   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 11:24
That's how it is now...
№ 464197   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2024 / 23:12
I am sad about one thing: I will not know what will happen in our world after me, because I leave it in a state of flux, as if in the middle of reading a novel, the sequel of which has not yet been published. It seems to me that before people did not experience such curiosity about what would happen after their death, in any case, it was not so strong. After all, the world was changing so slowly.
№ 464157   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2024 / 21:12
When you're 17, you know for sure that there are no more two different people than you and your mom. When you're 37 and she leaves, you can't stop being amazed at how much you consist of her - her sayings, movie quotes, favorite songs, stories, friends and optimism in spite of everything.
№ 464036   Added Viker 15-03-2024 / 15:32