nerves [Theme]

- No, I'm not scared. These girls get on my nerves. You better go downstairs and be afraid there.
№ 465511   Added MegaMozg 02-04-2024 / 08:12
The heat does not bake the guilty head.
Quote Explanation: Analogue: An ax does not cut a guilty head.
№ 465484   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 09:36
If a miracle happens, I’ll be with you in two weeks!
Quote Explanation: Vladimir Mayakovsky, from a letter to Lilya Brik, 1918.
№ 464948   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2024 / 16:51
Yes, the aorta gets loud sometimes.
№ 463758   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:37
The nerves make your legs give way!
№ 463420   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 11:24
A lonely person perceives everything very acutely. His nerves, like roots, crawl out and do not live under the skin. It has no land to grow into.
№ 459716   Added MegaMozg 07-12-2023 / 18:33
We can’t return this, only words remain.
№ 459065   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 11:34
I finally learned the main thing - to follow the principle of time
№ 458250   Added MegaMozg 05-11-2023 / 00:48
I understood who...
№ 457932   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:51
You give your kindness, and they wipe their feet on it. The person who betrayed you does not even think about your wounded soul, about his ugly act towards you. Such a carefree person continues to smile, laugh, walk around the city, study, work, have fun with his friends on the street and go to restaurants. He is fixated only on himself, his own benefit, and he absolutely does not care about you and other people whom he greatly offended with his unpleasant qualities and bad deeds. And you are very worried, upset, nervous, experiencing mental pain and crying bitterly. But since bad people spat on your soul and hurt you greatly with their vile actions, also spit on them and live in peace. Forget these ill-wishers who don’t care about you. After all, your health and nerves are much more important than worries and pain.
№ 457196   Added MegaMozg 07-10-2023 / 22:45
If you want to have clear thinking in difficult times - be able to maintain peace of mind, even when something unpleasant happens. Do not let prickly misfortune take over your thoughts. If you want to live in peace, without ruining your nerves and health due to unpleasant events - do not dwell on the bad, plunging into the abyss of self-digging, but find your island of peace of mind inside. If you want to have good friends, be a good friend yourself, who cannot be doubted for a second.
№ 455789   Added Viker 24-08-2023 / 11:14
My health is better. I had a good winter. At the end of it, only the melancholy came, which I tried in every possible way to defeat. But with the approach of spring, he could not resist. My nerves shook me all over, plunged me into such despondency, into such indecision, into such anguish from my own indecision, that I was completely weary.
№ 454131   Added MegaMozg 10-06-2023 / 10:18
My life is a paradox monster!
№ 451704   Added Viker 14-03-2023 / 10:02