task [Theme]

And my task is to evoke fear in the jury, not pity. The juror should be struck by the thought: this could happen to me too.
№ 464610   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:15
And you, drunken fool, carved this thing when our Jesus is unfinished.
№ 464494   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2024 / 11:57
If we are constantly “plugged” into our gadgets, we burn through two types of batteries - both the devices and our own. Recent scientific observations of people and rats convince us that if the brain is constantly busy solving many problems, it becomes exhausted. In other words, “aha!” moments. happen much less often if a person doesn’t have enough “ah!” moments.
№ 463858   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:52
There is a world hidden in every person, the exploration of which is our eternal task.
№ 463820   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:47
- And this no longer falls under the jurisdiction of the FBI, the Bureau of Indian Affairs is responsible for this.
- And this no longer falls under the jurisdiction of the...
№ 463568   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 14:36
The simplest thing is to keep in mind the three main tasks of the week and the three main tasks of the day. If you accustom yourself to this practice, you will feel that you have time for everything and are in control of your life. In addition, it perfectly supports self-esteem at any age.
№ 462855   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 10:50
If we ignore the problems and tasks that the Universe presents to us, then running in a closed circle will become a familiar sport, and the finishing point, one way or another, will always coincide with the starting point. Life lessons need to be lived and resolved in a quality manner, and not huddled in the fifth corner pretending to be deaf-blind. Such behavior will only ultimately lead to the same lesson, but, most likely, with more complex conditions in the task. This will already be a problem with an asterisk, remember like at school? The lesson must be lived - this means not running away, not ignoring, not copying off other people’s decisions, but lingering in these sensations and understanding why this lesson was given. You need to live your feelings as strongly as possible, and most importantly, absolutely honestly. The people the Universe confronts us with are a mirror of our problem. Ours. And you are not discussing with him at all, but with yourself. Look at what you are closing your eyes to. This way you can understand what exactly your lesson is.
№ 462360   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 19:49
The task of Love is to destroy, destroy, cancel - and then create again, build, resurrect. It is indescribably scary and indescribably sweet; the more terrible, the more desirable, the more attractive. This is the kind of Love we must surrender to. I will not be happy until I see how this Love will prevail over you, consume you, destroy you completely.
№ 461199   Added Viker 13-01-2024 / 12:09
Every day I go to work, where my main task is to study people, so that I can then deceive them and sell them something they don’t need at all. And having studied people well, I understood how they relate to each other. You are not stupid, you know everything yourself, they do everything without even thinking. Damn, I behaved like this myself with you, I don’t know why. We are all at war with each other, constantly. We don't even understand it. We harm every living thing on this planet and think that this is normal. The main thing is to use paper straws and not eat meat. We live a lie, we continue to lie, trying not to notice how terrible we really are.
№ 460748   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 16:19
- Do not search. There are tasks that you cannot cope with. But you want to decide, and then you fall in love with them. The task will find you itself. When you become strong and resilient enough that it doesn't hurt you while you try to solve it. I believe that one day you will achieve this. I appreciate your gift, but I cannot accept it.
№ 460585   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 15:27
- Do not search. There are tasks that you cannot cope with. But you want to decide, and then you fall in love with them. The task will find you itself. When you become strong and resilient enough that it doesn't hurt you while you try to solve it. I believe that one day you will achieve this. I appreciate your gift, but I cannot accept it.
№ 460584   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2024 / 15:27
The captured corporal of the 1st battery of the 768th artillery division, Willi Becker, said at the Nuremberg trials: ...
№ 459231   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 12:00
Your task is to awaken within yourself the desire to achieve worthy goals. Then bring your will into action until it follows the path of wisdom indicated by you.
Quote Explanation: Spiritual Diary, March 17 “Willpower”
№ 458831   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 12:53
The parent of a growing child faces a very difficult task. He needs to walk literally along the razor's edge. Where on the one hand there is an abyss of indifference and indifference to the life of one’s child, on the other there is an equally deep and disastrous abyss of overprotection, the desire to make one’s own copy out of a son or daughter, a complete disregard for their opinions and desires.
№ 458655   Added MegaMozg 05-12-2023 / 11:54
After all, there is a Dream-stimulus (desire), which gives strength and serves as a kind of emotional fuel. And there is a Dream-intention (goal) - this is what we strive for one way or another.
№ 458085   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 13:15