popularity [Theme] Page 1

In the old days, this was considered in the order of things. Back then, rich people were role models. You reached certain heights and became an example for others. Your whole life has been such an example. You didn’t expose your wealth in front of cameras or become the center of attention until you did something outstanding. Nowadays, these obligations to society have been lost. The rich strive for popularity, like any dishwasher.
№ 426082   Added MegaMozg 20-08-2021 / 17:21
If you want to earn popularity - try to help people.
If you want to earn popularity - try to help people.
№ 425451   Added Viker 20-08-2021 / 10:10
I always hoped to be a big star. But as we age, we all lower the bar. Everyone wants to make an impression, to leave a mark on this world. But over time, you start to think that if you just could live your life and if in the end at least a couple of people remember your name, then you have already left a mark on this world. There is no need to try to conquer the whole world. I think it's better to have fun. Pay the bills and enjoy. But if you still shoot an arrow and it flies high - well then, congratulations!
№ 422588   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2021 / 23:51
Now that you've graduated from high school that means you're technically an adult, don't you think it's time to move away from primitive constructs like popularity?
№ 422176   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2021 / 05:36
Having made your way to the top, you get an audience. If the world knows you, ha, it's easier to shake it ...
Quote Explanation: Johnny Silverhend and Vee discuss street guitarist
№ 420844   Added MegaMozg 16-06-2021 / 08:00
I am grateful to fate for the fact that I got into this film, it brought me popularity. However, with the heroine of the film I have nothing in common - not a single look, step. I am a believer, a Christian. Many years later, I look at myself in this picture and think - God, what a monster! But if I was filmed for who I am, it would be completely uninteresting. I'm an ordinary person, unexalted, unspoiled, I don't like big companies...
Quote Explanation: About the crime drama directed by Yuri Kara "Thieves in law". Quoted in the book "Dossier on stars" by Fyodor Razzakov.
№ 418691   Added MegaMozg 07-05-2021 / 16:57
If they find out, they will forget. And then look for idols.
№ 415605   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2021 / 20:09
The devil is alive and very popular with a large number of people.
№ 414846   Added MegaMozg 11-03-2021 / 15:45
It's pretty weird to meet people who know a lot more about your personal life than you do about them at all.
Quote Explanation: About his popularity
№ 413024   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2021 / 18:12
The popularity of mindfulness, meditation, and a minimalist approach to life is a visible response to a culture of overwhelm.
№ 411453   Added MegaMozg 14-01-2021 / 11:39
The Educational Concept of the Origin of Religion. The representative is the Frenchman Paul Holbach. According to his concept, religion arises for three reasons. It's fear, ignorance and deception. As I pondered this concept, I thought: what is the popularity of the famous Gaidayev trinity Coward, Balbes and Experienced? After all, this is the enlightenment concept of the emergence of religion. Coward - all afraid, Balbes - does not know anything, and Experienced - he will not spend on the pulp. He leads the whole trio, and without him there is no reasonable way out of a difficult situation.
Quote Explanation: Victor Lega «Origin of religion». Conversation in Sretensky Monastery
№ 407786   Added MegaMozg 30-11-2020 / 01:12
Glory is the highest point of fall.
№ 404646   Added wisewords 28-09-2020 / 18:30
The theater school provides the foundation, and the entire subsequent building is built by the person himself. The foundation must be strong, resist even if the house falls apart. This will make it possible to build a house again ... Success is a very dangerous concept. Popularity is short-lived. It passes, after a year you become different and someone else becomes popular. The viewer is very flexible.
№ 404564   Added MegaMozg 26-09-2020 / 16:06
Lying is a form of protection, if not for this protection, it is unlikely that it had mass popularity.
№ 404292   Added MegaMozg 22-09-2020 / 09:21
Money, power, popularity - things over which your control is very limited. Their loss will plunge you into unhappiness if you focus on them. If you will train yourself to balance, invincibility, and peace of mind, that in most cases will be happy - no matter what you throw in destiny. In General, domestic success is more stable than external.
№ 399954   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2020 / 22:42