doctors [Theme] Page 3

While studying in medicine, "Gaudeamus" was tortured, it is a student anthem. I could never understand why this is a hymn, but then I understood. Everyone remembers only the first verse. And they said to us: "Guys, what are you guys? Will you get together and sing" Gaudeamus ". You know, I never remember a situation where we sit like this and think:" So ... heart stopped "sang. What's next? Exactly, "Gaudeamus"! Julius, uncover the harp! "
Release Date: 18.03.2021
№ 429700   Added MegaMozg 30-09-2021 / 02:00
Release Date: 18.03.2021
№ 429699   Added MegaMozg 30-09-2021 / 01:45
- For a doctor, it's as easy as shelling pears. Patching people up again so that they die in the next war.
№ 429318   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 17:50
If a doctor respects patients, listens to them, tries to understand them, he can help them.
№ 426371   Added MegaMozg 21-08-2021 / 23:57
A doctor who takes care of his patients and should not forget about himself.
№ 426038   Added MegaMozg 20-08-2021 / 15:09
- Sam, I'm eating!
№ 421756   Added MegaMozg 01-07-2021 / 17:42
Good doctors do the right thing. Great doctors have the courage to do the right thing.
№ 418938   Added MegaMozg 12-05-2021 / 13:48
“That guy, whoever he is, gives you hope. Happiness strives to slip away - grab it like a firefly and don't let it go.
№ 418747   Added MegaMozg 08-05-2021 / 08:12
One of the benefits of poverty: the doctor will cure you faster.
№ 416625   Added MegaMozg 08-04-2021 / 23:27
The doctor is one of the few people who know why they live.
№ 411499   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2021 / 03:57
Immortal vulgarity of the crowd!
№ 410840   Added MegaMozg 08-01-2021 / 00:42
Corruption is a matter of redistribution. You understand that if there had been no corruption in the Soviet Union or in the 90s in Russia, then teachers, doctors, and entire layers of people would have died out. Corruption is not a category of socialism at all. Corruption is a category of man and material and technical relations. In any system, you will always have corruption. It doesn't matter what you call it. Is there no corruption in America? It's ridiculous to say. Look at how Trump and Biden talk. Every time they try to slip us corruption, it's a hoax. This is the use of base emotions in order for everyone to shout about corruption and not see the essential things, the deep. It's like when oncology, and you are told: the main thing is that when metastases came to the skin and the pimple appeared, and let's make up the pimple.
Release Date: 26.11.2020
№ 407750   Added MegaMozg 29-11-2020 / 15:09
This song is playing, my song is playing!
№ 407475   Added MegaMozg 26-11-2020 / 13:36
... Mein Kampf clearly defines the vector for the development of German foreign policy. Yes, the Fuhrer always thought big and it does not say that the Slavs need to be slaughtered at the root in the coming years. However, I do not recommend forgetting about the “land in the East”, especially since the notes of the Barbarossa plan say everything quite clearly: “In these areas, we must consciously pursue a policy of population reduction. By means of propaganda, especially through the press, radio, cinema, leaflets, short brochures, reports, etc., we must constantly inspire the population with the idea that it is harmful to have many children. It is necessary to show how much money it costs to raise children and what could be purchased with these funds. It is necessary to talk about the great danger to the health of a woman, to which she is exposed, giving birth to children. Expand the broadest propaganda of contraceptives. Establish their wide production. The distribution of these funds and abortion should in no way be restricted. Contribute in every possible way to the expansion of the network of abortion clinics. Organize special retraining of midwives and paramedics and train them in the production of abortions. Physicians must also have permission to perform abortion, and this should not be considered a violation of medical ethics. It would be best for us if they could explain themselves at all on the fingers. Unfortunately, this is not possible. Therefore - to limit everything as much as possible! No printed editions. The most basic radio broadcasts. We must disaccustom them to think. No compulsory schooling. We must understand that the literacy of Russians, Ukrainians and all the others is only harmful. There will always be a couple of bright minds who will find ways to study their history, then come to political conclusions that will ultimately be directed against us. Therefore, gentlemen, do not try to organize any radio broadcasts on historical topics in the occupied regions. No! In every village in the square there is a loudspeaker pole to deliver the news and entertain the listeners. Yes, to entertain and distract from attempts to acquire political, scientific, and generally any kind of knowledge. The radio should broadcast as much simple, rhythmic and fun music as possible. It invigorates and increases the ability to work. "
№ 407053   Added MegaMozg 18-11-2020 / 21:30