advantage [Theme]

Dishonest art stinks.
№ 464782   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:42
A person does not repeat himself, like a butterfly, and the work of his hands, his art, his free creation, once destroyed, perishes forever. It is given to him alone to create, but it is strange and scary to say: we are creators... for an hour.... This is our advantage - and our curse..
№ 464461   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 11:29
A person who looks aesthetically pleasing has an advantage in influencing others
№ 461875   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 12:41
And Krasovit, without being handsome and cheerful, had one very important advantage for her. He firmly believed in himself and his strength. And for the husband of a strong wife, this is most important. Otherwise, he, tormented by secret shame in front of his weakness, will slowly gnaw away both himself and her from the inside.
№ 461863   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 12:39
The social structure model exists according to the animal principle - predators always control the victims. The advantage of predators is their strength. A clear disadvantage is their number. The opposite is true for victims. Their main advantage, also known as an advantage, is their number. And the downside is the complete lack of consolidation.
№ 460813   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 16:50
Everyone sums up the results of the year; for me personally, it flew by at crazy speed. Therefore, at the end of the last month, I pause my breath a little, remember all the good things and draw conclusions from small failures, turning them into my advantage. I also ask the Universe for confidence in the future, health and strength to move on, strive to be better, brighter and happy every day. It's that simple...
№ 460610   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 15:30
A person in a dark room looking out onto a lighted street has an advantage. And a man in a dark room, watching a dark street, might as well lie down to rest.
№ 460549   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 15:21
You need to be valiant for your own sake and for the sake of the advantage that consists in mental firmness, confidently resisting all blows of fate.
№ 460526   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 15:17
The senses have the advantage of being the extreme limit of our knowledge, and beyond them there is nothing to help us discover them.
№ 460522   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 15:17
As long as your judgments have a hidden image, they always give you a clear advantage over others, and at the same time power over those in whose minds the passion of curiosity and an inexorable desire to understand the essence of your device has long been burning.
№ 460135   Added Viker 18-12-2023 / 10:38
And therefore I am not tied to one behavioral model. I am free in my choice of path to achieve my goal.
№ 459557   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 12:49
Infertility also has its benefits. Children are one of those things that you don’t have to so ardently crave, and especially in our days, when it is so difficult to raise them to be respectable, but those who had them have to mourn their loss, and even really have to.
№ 458514   Added MegaMozg 13-11-2023 / 04:24
Thus, of course, we are also infected with arrogance when we drink from the source of knowledge.
№ 458234   Added MegaMozg 04-11-2023 / 18:24
- This is not a risk, but stupidity. I have often seen this on combat operations. First strike advantage does not grant invincibility.
№ 457907   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:47
How many years have passed, but I cannot forget either the expression in his eyes, or his slightly ironic smile, or the very definition: Democracy in good weather.
How many years have passed, but I cannot forget either the...
№ 456959   Added MegaMozg 25-09-2023 / 07:51