contradictions [Theme]

I have often been unfair to the deceased. But was the deceased a moral person? No, he was not a moral person. He was a former blind man, an impostor and a goose thief. He put all his strength into living at the expense of society. But society did not want him to live at their expense, and Mikhail Samuelevich could not bear this contradiction in views, because he had a hot temper. And that's why he died. All!
I have often been unfair to the deceased. But was the...
№ 463189   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 13:36
Unfortunately, our society is affected by hypocrisy and hypocrisy, which are deeply embedded in the minds of people and do not allow them to notice obvious truths, since they contradict the general social masquerade.
№ 462612   Added Viker 06-02-2024 / 15:57
Silence and life are incompatible.
Silence and life are incompatible.
№ 462151   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:30
I'm too late and you, you're too early.
№ 458927   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 11:14
We must know and remember: our brain will always and at any opportunity create contradictions and hide them from us.
№ 458675   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 11:57
Each of us initially contains light and darkness in equal proportions. These are the basic default settings. Only our will determines in which direction the scales will tip. The options are countless.
№ 454006   Added Lady_Lesya 02-06-2023 / 19:48
Contradiction: I like being alone and I want to tell someone how wonderful it is.
№ 451412   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2023 / 21:36
Fighting with yourself, denying yourself, being against yourself are useless character disorders.
№ 448879   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2023 / 18:24
People find mice and rats disgusting and hamsters and gerbils cute. Pigeons symbolize world peace, although doves are just carriers of urban contagion. Pigs are considered adorable, but wild boars are shot. People admire nutcrackers, but they can't stand crows - noisy relatives of these cute birds. Dogs evoke warm feelings, while wolves become characters in scary tales. People have a weakness for ladybugs, while they are happy to crush soldier bugs. Bees enjoy a special favor with humans, which cannot be said about wasps. Horseshoe crabs are admired, but spiders, their distant relatives, are a completely different story ... I tried to find at least some logic in all this, but in the end I gave up, realizing the futility of this lesson.
№ 439335   Added Viker 26-05-2022 / 12:01
They do not see anything incredible in the fact that two contradictory judgments can be true in mode, form, nature, and also in time.
№ 439134   Added Viker 25-05-2022 / 21:08
I don't even know why I hate him so much... Maybe I just still love him?
№ 434444   Added Viker 26-01-2022 / 18:36
Ideas are constantly running back and forth, and therefore you find them in one battle line, then in another. In a word, you can neither draw up a decent communication scheme, nor draw a demarcation line, nor define anything at all, and all this without saying a bad word - although I can’t even believe it! - looks like what any commander here would call a mess!
Quote Explanation: The general tried to analyze various proposals from different sectors of society.
№ 431345   Added MegaMozg 28-10-2021 / 22:15
The present century has been given a certain number of ideas, and for each idea, by the special grace of fate, at once its anti-idea, so that individualism and collectivism, nationalism and internationalism, imperialism and pacifism, rationalism and superstition feel equally good in it. This already seems as natural as the fact that there is day and night, heat and cold, love and hate.
№ 431344   Added MegaMozg 28-10-2021 / 22:12
I am a person, not a scientific work, contradictions live in me.
Quote Explanation: Meyer - Swiss poet (1825-1898)
№ 431341   Added MegaMozg 28-10-2021 / 22:03
The contradiction between the ideal and the real is insoluble. The relationship between spirit and flesh turns out to be extremely complex - and the richer the spirit and the stronger the flesh, the more complex it is.
№ 427751   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 13:44