size [Theme]

A controlled amount of money supply is the best inflation measure.
№ 464635   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:19
The minimum wage must ensure the standard of well-being established in society.
№ 464571   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:09
Reducing the price of a product makes it accessible to those categories of buyers who previously could not afford it. And an increase in the number of buyers means an increase in the demand for a given product. It is more difficult to explain the behavior of buyers of a given product, who increase the volume of its purchase precisely when the price decreases. The easiest way is to assume that some buyers purchased the product in a smaller quantity than they needed, and now, thanks to a reduction in price, they bring the amount of demand to the real need.
№ 464065   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2024 / 16:33
Self-knowledge is the opportunity to see, understand, explore, and maybe change, balance your depths, what is hidden from view. I’ll try to explain it to you using geometry as an example. I think it will be clearer this way. You went to school and know what a cube is, right? Here, imagine that you are holding a green cube in your hands. What can you say about him? Its color and the three dimensions of this figure: length, width, height. All! We look at it based on the three-dimensional dimension instilled in us since childhood. We don't see anymore. In addition, we can only see three sides of it because we are accustomed to three-dimensional measurement, so the remaining sides are hidden from our eyes. But, nevertheless, we know for sure that there are other sides too, although we do not see them. Now imagine that inside, from all the edges of the cube, there are also faces inside it, which are connected to each other with other faces... You know what a tesseract is? This is a four-dimensional hypercube. Imagine that these invisible faces can move, shift, change in size, go beyond the boundaries of the cube, give birth to new faces, turning from a tesseract into a penteract - a five-dimensional cube. That is, outwardly you are holding in your hands what seems to be an ordinary three-dimensional cube, but in fact it can have many dimensions. And it’s difficult for you to measure what’s inside, you don’t see it. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's the same with a person. We see his external data, we can measure his height, shoulder width, waist size and the like. But we cannot measure his power of thought, his thinking, his sensitivity, his perception of the world, the time allotted to him and much more that we feel, know that it is, but do not see it. It's all hidden to the eye, somewhere inside.
№ 462126   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:14
everything that's happening.
№ 454067   Added MegaMozg 05-06-2023 / 07:18
The natural grace of the female breast delights!
№ 453828   Added MegaMozg 25-05-2023 / 12:42
Evil appeared when someone ordered everyone to wear size 38 shoes.
№ 453531   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2023 / 09:36
I belong to myself!
№ 449673   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 17:12
He took out a spare pair of lenses from his wallet, just in case. Peeling off the protective film of the package, he put them on and changed his club suit for the offered jeans and a T-shirt. Things fit perfectly, but the memory of how they found out his size only angered Neal more. He crumpled up yesterday's clothes, shoved them as deep into the toilet as he could, completely submerging the fabric in the water, and lowered the toilet seat. Josten pulled back the shower curtain, turned the water on high, and pulled it back down. The sound of the water almost completely drowned out the creak of the opening sashes of the window. Getting out of the window was harder than expected, but desperation is known to be a great lubricant.
№ 448434   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2023 / 00:03
Humanity cannot be measured. It either exists or it doesn't!
№ 442062   Added MegaMozg 11-07-2022 / 13:21
Every tyrant must know the size of his neck.
№ 440506   Added MegaMozg 06-06-2022 / 15:03
My desires are very modest. Portraits of the head of state should not exceed the size of a postage stamp.
№ 440504   Added MegaMozg 06-06-2022 / 14:57
Polite silence is like a spiritual verse, each word in which has its own size and beauty.
№ 438948   Added Viker 25-05-2022 / 19:16