recovery [Theme]

These are permeable dissociative partitions. This is a fascinating concept because it explains many things that we couldn't explain until now.
Quote Explanation: The shared repository is the place where all changes come and from which all updates are pulled.
№ 463374   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 10:44
Snow. And along with it (with the snow) a wave of incredible peace and comfort comes over you... As if relief is coming... Recovery...
№ 460086   Added Viker 18-12-2023 / 10:31
I am convinced that one cannot live without faith. Who without faith - it's hard for them. The most terrible thing in a serious illness is to lose faith and hope for recovery. No faith - and no one will help you. Even the strongest doctors do not know how to restore a person's hope for healing.
Quote Explanation: From an interview with Amurskaya Pravda. October 2018.
№ 443481   Added MegaMozg 15-08-2022 / 12:33
When the body hurts, do not punish it, do not be offended by it, do not demand anything from it. Just tell him: I
№ 442515   Added MegaMozg 27-07-2022 / 00:27
Time doesn't heal. We manage ourselves, over time. Recovery will come when we choose to take responsibility, when we take risks, and when we finally allow ourselves to let go of the pain of the heart, that is, let go of grief and let go of the past. And all this is a matter of our choice.
№ 438557   Added Viker 17-05-2022 / 15:30
Healing comes through repetition.
№ 432895   Added MegaMozg 11-12-2021 / 01:48
Diseases of the soul return to us in the same way as diseases of the body. What we think of as recovery usually turns out to be either a short-term relief from an old affliction or the beginning of a new one.
№ 427830   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 13:56
Eugene saw, very clearly, her whole life, and realized its value. She wanted to sit on the shore of the lake and touch the sand with her hands, clamp it in a fist and release it in a thin trickle back, watching every grain of sand intently. I wanted to look at the streaks on the plantain. Count the petals of daisies. Remember how they drew on their hands with calendula juice, imagining themselves indian princesses. Sniff spruce branches and young cones in the forest. And she touched, counted and sniffed. I remembered and cried. She pieced herself together. Anew. Digging up small details among the garbage.
№ 426766   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 11:50
The threads of the past that held her to the unseen puppeteer were cut off. First, her hands were freed, Zhenya looked at them like the first time, wiggled her fingers, feeling surprised that they did not tremble, then her legs, gradually feeling solid ground again. The first uncertain step, the second. With each passing day, the painful weakness escaped, giving way to lightness and still timid strength.
№ 426710   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 11:40
How beautiful, how wonderful it seemed to me now every breath of wind, every flower, leaf and bylinka, every floating cloud, all smells, and everything in general in nature! That was my first reward for the disease. How little I lost if the whole wide world gave me so much joy!
№ 411971   Added MegaMozg 23-01-2021 / 00:51
It is not only important to recover. It is important to begin to look at life with different eyes. After all, many of us healthy, but ungrateful. We do not rejoice in his life, thank God. When you're sick, start complaining, and being in full order, don't say "thank God!". Therefore the main miracle that can happen to us during the illness - not only recovery, but also a new Outlook on life, with gratitude for what you have, without envy for what you don't. The miracle is, to say, "Thank you, Lord, for what I breathe, live, because I healthy!"
№ 393621   Added MegaMozg 07-05-2020 / 10:15
Doctors never really kept the suffering of patients on the road to recovery.
№ 384172   Added MegaMozg 11-12-2019 / 10:11
I have often seen love overcome the disease only through the will to survive. I believe the mind is far more impact on health than we think, and it makes no sense to speak the truth, if this truth is never true until it happens.
№ 383138   Added MegaMozg 20-11-2019 / 23:14
Human nature is infinitely varied and contradictory, so that any treatment consists of patient experiment with a series of trial and error, where the doctor often plays the role of a spectator who watches the battle unfolding in front of his eyes, and no help from the outside is not even a quarter of the power of the restorative powers of the body, and pills and medicine often harm rather than help.
№ 382433   Added MegaMozg 12-11-2019 / 17:46
Obviously nightmares somehow help us to cope with the stresses of real time.
Apparently bad dreams cure you of real life stress.
№ 361141   Added MegaMozg 16-02-2019 / 16:05