events [Theme]

Positive thoughts attract positive events. Evil thoughts in a victim style
№ 465990   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2024 / 15:12
When you experience joy, you attract positive events to yourself, when you are upset and irritated, situations unfold around you that only aggravate your condition.
№ 465989   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2024 / 15:09
That's how it happened. Happened with every new book. At first, everything falls apart, crumbles like paper that has dried out over time, and the characters all look the same, and events scatter like streams from a broken cup. And then suddenly something clicks in the mechanism of the universe... And the characters take on their own faces. And the plot ceases to be invented, it no longer needs the author’s instructions, it itself knows perfectly well where to go.
№ 465722   Added MegaMozg 10-04-2024 / 03:18
But I know everything is for the better! All goes to good..
№ 465648   Added MegaMozg 07-04-2024 / 09:27
Everything I experience is normal. Everything that happens to me is normal. That's life.
№ 465400   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 05:24
Personally, I try to turn everything sad into a joke. This is a matter of habit, which is easily developed. A lot depends not even on the events in our lives, but on our attitude to the situation, our mood. Just think when you are sad: many people cannot even dream of what you have.
№ 465394   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 05:06
I also want to always speak from the heart, accept the GOOD word, without doubting or looking for hidden meanings, and quickly weed out the negative and move on.
№ 465042   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2024 / 04:18
The worst events in our lives have this peculiarity: the last happy moments before everything collapsed are always most clearly imprinted in our memory. Seconds before impact, ice cream at a gas station before a car accident, the last swim in the sea before you returned home and learned of a fatal diagnosis. Our consciousness keeps returning us to those happy moments, night after night, asking: “Could I have changed anything? How could I be happy at such a moment? Could I have prevented what would happen if I had known in advance?”
№ 464562   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:07
End of connection.
Quote Explanation: The true ending of the game: the director of Fazbear Entertainment, Henry Emily, returns to finish what he started and destroy all the spirits who want revenge on him, including: his former partner William Afton, William's offspring - Michael and Elizabeth, as well as Henry's daughter Charlie Emily.
End of connection.
№ 462723   Added MegaMozg 09-02-2024 / 03:18
Any fact of life experience can be interpreted in different ways: it is impossible to find two people who would make the same conclusions from one event. This is why we do not always learn from our experiences. Getting older doesn't necessarily mean getting wiser!
№ 462662   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2024 / 04:33
Example: “only complete success or complete failure are possible”, “people are only good or only bad.”
№ 462559   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2024 / 15:21
Don't be careless when something good happens. There is no need to think that subsequent events will be equally favorable.
№ 462244   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:59
Man, just as he creates the greatest events, also misses them. Always remember that the most important things happen to you every day. Learn to notice the power of love in the present moments - this is the only thing that can prolong your life.
№ 461966   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 12:55
It would seem that it’s time to get used to reacting more calmly to everything, and maybe even become bitter, but in life there are such experiences that hurt especially deeply, it is impossible to heal from them, the wound continues to ache, and sensitivity becomes so aggravated that it is enough to relive fatal events in memory, and pain and horror flare up again.
№ 461186   Added Viker 13-01-2024 / 12:07
It was a year that did not allow us to relax, but which forced us to unite and be even stronger. A year when there were many losses, human and financial. And I hug tightly those from whom the year has taken away the most important thing - loved ones. It was also a year of enormous transformation. Soul, mind. Metamorphosis, what is it? Transformation. Transformation. And I believe that we have reached/are reaching a new level of development. Where the rule is to give more than to take. Where love is unconditional, from a pure “just like that.” Where friendship can withstand all events. Where you need to be able to forgive and say goodbye, letting go of everything; outdated, with great gratitude. Where dreams are not just a wish list; on the new moon, but powerful work on your goals and moving forward, because there is faith. Into yourself. And the most important thing. We can do anything. We'll survive everything. We will achieve everything. As long as we have love for life in our hearts. I wish you, my dears, to always be in love with LIFE! Happy New Year!
№ 460903   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2024 / 19:09