exchange [Theme]

- Nevertheless, it was so. Such a plan existed for Hitler; Hess was actually its author. More precisely, Rudolf Hess was a co-author of this plan. I mean, the main author is Hitler. Hess decided to fly to England, meet with Churchill there and agree on everything personally. He hoped to arrange a meeting between the British Prime Minister and the Reich Chancellor.
№ 465603   Added MegaMozg 05-04-2024 / 03:15
- What is magic to me in comparison with you? What is eternity versus the opportunity to live life with your loved ones? It's not even an equal exchange. If it turns out this way, then I will owe fate much more than I give.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the story “The Gates of Samhain.”
- What is magic to me in comparison with you? What is...
№ 465449   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 07:51
Cash has the property of immediate, direct exchange for any other asset with zero exchange costs. Cash is a completely liquid asset.
№ 464633   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:19
Human psychology will continue to establish a balanced relationship with the environment. When the external world is too complex and cannot be changed, the heart adapts to it and accepts it. It looks like a pumpkin crushed with iron. The inside of the pumpkin will continue to harden and become as hard as wood. If a person is imprisoned and loses all his personal freedom, and if he feels that his life is under threat, he gradually gives up his dignity for survival and pleases his captors in exchange for resources for survival.
№ 464368   Added MegaMozg 16-03-2024 / 07:51
- Fair. Thank you. It was nice to chat.
№ 463088   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:27
You may ask how this situation came about. What were the advantages of using slave labor compared to the labor of free people? I'll explain now. In the past, during the Republic, whenever the Romans conquered a region of Italy, they took part of the land for themselves and populated it with Roman colonists. They expected these colonies to become garrison towns (military camps). But as a result of the fighting, a lot of land was left empty and unused. This happened because its owners were either killed or fled as part of the defeated armies. The Senate declared that anyone who wanted to farm the land could do so in exchange for payment of 10% of the annual grain harvest and 20% of the fruit harvest. The goal was to increase the population of Italy, which would produce more food for the cities and also supply Rome with soldiers in time of war.
№ 456652   Added MegaMozg 10-09-2023 / 15:39
I'm really a lousy writer. I don’t even sign photos on Instagram because I’m stupid. You know, if you see a laconic and witty comment on a picture on my profile, I probably paid my sister for it. Or pleaded with her friends, like, “Just write something, please. I'll give you this dress in exchange for a signature." Barter system and all that.
№ 454146   Added MegaMozg 10-06-2023 / 15:12
Ming Ye, you are impartial and exemplary. You are the perfect god. But you have to understand, this is not some kind of deal. Not everything in this world can be fairly valued or equally exchanged.
№ 452938   Added MegaMozg 21-04-2023 / 06:24
Giving something of equal value in return...
№ 450089   Added Viker 08-02-2023 / 11:16
An ingenious invention in the form of military awards. This ancient trick allows any power to make a very profitable exchange. A person gives the regime hearing, sight, years or limbs, and in return receives ... a shiny plaque. As a rule, the victim of such fraud is very glad that he was fooled, and is proud of the symbol of his stupidity.
№ 444154   Added MegaMozg 07-09-2022 / 19:36
That in exchange for yourself you took everything from me.
№ 439247   Added Viker 26-05-2022 / 10:14
carrying out business activities in order to reduce risks and ensure sustainable development. Source: Lazareva, N. V. Ecosystem of student entrepreneurship / N. V. Lazareva // Actual scientific research in the modern world. - 2022. - No. 1-3(81). - S. 96-98.
№ 437196   Added MegaMozg 24-03-2022 / 12:27
nor does he listen to the Voice from above.
№ 432483   Added MegaMozg 03-12-2021 / 10:42
... He was well aware of cases when families reached such a degree of despair that they chose separation and slavery in exchange for a chance to survive. he knew all about the sale of allotments, when poor tenants were forced to leave the land that had belonged to their ancestors for several hundred years, about the dire poverty and hunger that reigned in the cities, about the unbearable life that ordinary Scots dragged out in those years. However, reading in books and seeing with your own eyes are completely different things.
№ 431910   Added MegaMozg 12-11-2021 / 06:33