personality [Theme]

The classic situation in which a person with CSD is the first to die is a stampede at the lifeboats on the Titanic or a panicked loading onto the last ships leaving Crimea in November 1920. Anyone who has self-respect and respects the rights of others will not save himself at the expense of others - and dies in the icy waters of the Atlantic or the basements of the Emergency. Lowering the threshold of vitality is the price that a person pays for a higher quality of his spiritual and mental life.
Quote Explanation: SSD - self-esteem
№ 465949   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2024 / 15:12
A well-fed person is worse than a monkey.
№ 464530   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:02
Although the personality looks out of the face, it is not the whole personality, because it does not fit into it.
№ 463943   Added MegaMozg 14-03-2024 / 16:36
It is so important - in whose hands you are! Because the formation of character, the formation of personality, the formation of professional skills, and the formation of the path you follow depend on this.
Release Date: 25.02.2024
№ 463670   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:22
These are permeable dissociative partitions. This is a fascinating concept because it explains many things that we couldn't explain until now.
Quote Explanation: The shared repository is the place where all changes come and from which all updates are pulled.
№ 463374   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 10:44
The more fully a person realizes himself, he will bestow more happiness.
№ 463235   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 14:51
To what extent should a modern person connect his own happiness with the well-being of the entire society, and the human race as a whole?
№ 462930   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:02
What necessary qualities should a modern personality have, given the rapid change in the world and the growth of serious problems? Alternatively, a modern person, briefly Mperson, is a person who has a set of necessary productive qualities and is focused on ennobling life and increasing happiness. In short: a spiritually productive person.
№ 462888   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 10:55
The fear of knowing yourself and accepting your own shortcomings and limitations leads almost all people to idealize their personality and overestimate their abilities, while rationalizing that the causes of problems are in external circumstances and beyond their control.
Quote Explanation: Chapter 1
№ 462618   Added Viker 06-02-2024 / 15:58
A person needs to feel valued, respected, approved and loved. He thinks that he will be accepted by others only if he shows himself to be “good.” He believes that if he shows his weaknesses, he will lose the respect and approval of people, and therefore is not able to admit them even to himself. At a deeper level of the psyche, a person's need for respect and approval is related to the need to feel that others recognize him as an individual.
№ 462611   Added Viker 06-02-2024 / 15:57
- This is interesting. I thought this was a way to become someone else. Sometimes it's nice to forget who you really are. Even if you know that it is just an illusion.
Quote Explanation: According to the plot, the main character talks with a psychiatrist who was called to get her opinion about what kind of person he is and why he became like this.
№ 462069   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 14:58
If you look at the story of Harry's childhood through the eyes of psychiatry, the phrase “the boy who lived” takes on a completely different meaning. This is more about the survival of the soul. Harry remained intact and was not seriously psychologically traumatized. Before us is a strong personality who has retained the ability to determine what is right and what is wrong.
№ 461687   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2024 / 03:48
- Konrad Karlovich Mikhelson, forty-eight years old, non-partisan, single, member of the union since 1921, a highly moral person, my good friend, seems to be a friend of the children... But you don’t have to be friends with the children: the police won’t demand this from you.
№ 461346   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2024 / 15:18
Those were the good times, the times when you killed me.
Those were the good times, the times when you killed me.
№ 461054   Added Viker 12-01-2024 / 17:04
I wanted to be a woman in this world.
№ 458904   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 11:10