forget [Theme]

• Human hands are for creation, but not for boredom.
№ 465421   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 06:27
Unable to forget...
№ 464242   Added MegaMozg 16-03-2024 / 01:27
Therefore, I decided to forget them first, so I wouldn’t have to suffer, I just need to think about them as garbage.
№ 463960   Added Viker 15-03-2024 / 15:20
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, as long as you remember to turn on the light.
№ 463493   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 13:18
Using various tricks you can forget for a while about jitters and mental pain, but you cannot run away from them. Feelings of restlessness and bitterness cannot be cured by loud music, shopping or entertainment, because illusions do not help. You can escape into them for a while, but then everything: fear, confusion, guilt - returns, but with increased strength. And there is nowhere to hide from this - illusions have lost their magic and can no longer intoxicate. You are left alone with reality and feel how the world and life are falling apart. You don't know what to grab onto to stay in place. You have no idea what phrases to calm yourself down with. Everything seems so... so... insignificant and stupid.
№ 463271   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 15:57
I know that she doesn't care about me...
№ 463177   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 13:10
I don’t understand those philosophers who constantly say: remember death, life is nothing; desires, pleasures - everything is a dream. If death is the cessation of life, then can I forget, can I reject that treasure that was given to me for a short time, once I have lost it, I will lose it forever and will never replace it. If death is only a transition to immortality, then life is the essence of immortality and cannot and should not be forgotten. On the contrary, pay attention to it in order to make it worthy of immortality.
№ 463174   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 13:09
No agreements work unless they are supported by iron pillars, in this case missile pillars. ... They are fighting to maintain their dominance in the world, for the ability to continue to rob the whole world, so their fundamental interests are affected and, as we have seen over the course of twenty-five years, they cannot be persuaded with simple words. ... We need to bring things to the point where our Western partners understand that they have three options: the first exit is to leave without shame, the second is to flee, like from Afghanistan and Vietnam, but with a much worse outcome, since they hundreds of thousands of brutalized, deceived, armed men will pour in, whom we will naturally dislodge from our territory. Well, or play out to something completely bad. ... There is only one more or less simple way to reach an agreement - to defeat the Western army, which largely consists of Ukrainian soldiers, but there are also everyone else there, and then to fence off. These western regions, which may remain part of what will remain the Ukrainian state (if anything remains), need to be simply fenced off and all this scum that has now formed there dumped there, and forgotten for a while about about what is happening there to the west of our borders. ... Iron wall. ... The United States of America began to retreat. They are already retreating. ... By leaving, they will destabilize pieces of Eurasia. This period, I call it twenty years, must be lived through. ... It is impossible to come to an agreement with these people, even if a relatively sober leader comes to the United States of America, there is still an elite behind him, brutalized by his defeats. ... From my point of view, several areas there need to be left, all this evil spirits that have formed there should be unloaded there, and those people who do not want to live in Russia should be given the opportunity to live in an independent state. ... Given the presence of nuclear weapons, we can safely isolate ourselves and leave them to do their own thing, maybe someday they will recover. ... It must be completed within one year. ... You need to speak firmly and directly: either you retreat, or you are finished. ... Why do we need the collapse of the United States of America? We need America to get out of the globalist position that it accidentally captured thanks to World War II, and then turn into a hegemon altogether, thanks to our Soviet stupidity in allowing the collapse of the Soviet Union. ... But under no circumstances should we engage in deterrence in the greater sense - causing damage to the United States of America. For what? Let them do it themselves. We must push them away.
Release Date: 10.02.2024
№ 462830   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 10:46
The transfer to the political department improved Maslova’s situation in all respects. Not to mention the fact that the political ones were better accommodated, fed better, and were subjected to less rudeness, Maslova’s transfer improved her situation in that this persecution of men stopped, and she could live without being reminded every minute of the past that she I wanted to forget now.
№ 462735   Added MegaMozg 09-02-2024 / 03:54
I am a fan of the smell of printing ink, the rustle of paper, notes in the margins. Paper book. It has its own soul, and even photographs seem to come to life before your eyes. I like to forget a chamomile in a book and find it one frosty morning, or put a white piece of paper folded into an airplane with a list of 25 dreams written on it. How interesting it is to discover them 5 years later! And now I sit and smile quietly, opening a new book and feeling that it is alive and smells of lavender. I really want to predict what will happen tomorrow, will a real book survive in this strange era?..
№ 462312   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2024 / 19:00
- This is interesting. I thought this was a way to become someone else. Sometimes it's nice to forget who you really are. Even if you know that it is just an illusion.
Quote Explanation: According to the plot, the main character talks with a psychiatrist who was called to get her opinion about what kind of person he is and why he became like this.
№ 462069   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 14:58
For some reason, in life there are more often people whom you want to immediately forget, and not those whom you want to remember for a long time.
№ 461951   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 12:53
They say time heals. I think that's what those who have never truly suffered say. Because time just passes, but pain is always static.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the video “TRASH REVIEW of the film Gerald’s Game (Based on Stephen King).”
№ 461944   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 12:52
That tomorrow will come, but now we must not forget.
№ 461939   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 12:51