the unknown [Theme]

It is always easier to hold on to the life you are used to than to step into the unknown.
№ 464792   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:44
Are you exploring or not!?
№ 464162   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2024 / 21:27
Whatever your path is now, into the darkness, into the unknown - believe in yourself. And support me every day. Every step you take is priceless. This is an experience. This is power.
№ 462308   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2024 / 18:48
Maybe this will be your first acquaintance with an exciting hobby that you have dreamed of for a long time, or a step into a new craft that will lead you to your life’s work. Don't be afraid to open doors to new opportunities - this is where true strength lies. Every step into the unknown is a chance to learn more about yourself, make amazing discoveries and make your most cherished dreams come true.
№ 460970   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2024 / 22:30
- But not everyone looked into the unknown as much as I did.
№ 459822   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 19:09
Today I took my ticket to the unknown.
№ 459708   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 18:28
“Play yourself, you fat-faced fool,” the grandmother muttered, squatting on her crooked leg. - Give me my herrings, which are due by law... Three pieces.
№ 457806   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:31
Only the unknown is stable in life. Everything else is an illusion or self-deception.
№ 451640   Added Viker 14-03-2023 / 09:52
There is no way back. Fog ahead!
№ 450877   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 11:28
- Look, we're not doing exact sciences. The key word here is science. And it does not consist only of logic, facts and empirical observations. Yes, all these comparisons are important, but a number of important discoveries and breakthroughs occurred because some of the scientists, sitting in the laboratory, dared to push the facts aside and rely on their faith, to take a step into the unknown. Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge, and I completely agree with him. Sometimes you just have to believe that two plus two equals five. And you need to figure out how to get that five. And then you still need to convince the whole world of this. Not so long ago, mankind thought that the Earth was flat and the Sun revolved around it.
№ 450314   Added Viker 14-02-2023 / 09:34
To assert something about the unknown is the same as contradicting the proven.
№ 448171   Added Viker 02-01-2023 / 12:27
At that time, we all did not know too much. About the "Others" that seemed to us only a natural disaster - and that an unthinkable conspiracy is hiding in front of the everyday fear of them. But the main thing is that the least of all I then knew about my own fate.
№ 448007   Added MegaMozg 29-12-2022 / 10:24
Quote in English
Quote Explanation: With this phrase, H. F. Lovecraft begins the introduction to his Supernatural Horror in Literature (1927). Its meaning lies in the fact that the key fear is the state of the unknown, and all other fears are based on it. Accordingly, it is possible to fight fear by obtaining information about the object of fear. Most fears become irrational and recede once we know a little more about their source.
№ 446348   Added MegaMozg 11-11-2022 / 00:33
Soon. Soon. Soon. Soon. When soon? What a terrible word soon! Soon it may be in a second, soon it may be in a year. Soon a terrible word. This soon compresses the future, makes it negligible, and there is no longer anything definite, nothing definite at all, one continuous unknown. Soon it's nothing and soon it's a lot.
№ 442532   Added MegaMozg 01-08-2022 / 16:15