earth [Theme] Page 3

She is illogical.
№ 452933   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2023 / 17:18
as from a common source.
№ 452786   Added MegaMozg 14-04-2023 / 09:18
The whole Earth is called - You!
The whole Earth is called - You!
№ 452682   Added MegaMozg 08-04-2023 / 06:15
The servant of God and yours read a prayer. Did he think before reading it? Is this one prayer? No, there are two of them: one - which he said aloud, and the other - which he did not say. And both reached the ears of the one who hears all requests - expressed and unspoken. Think about it - and remember. If you begin to ask for blessings on your deeds and deeds, be careful, because at this moment you can inadvertently bring a curse on your neighbor. If you pray for rain, because your fields need it, then you may be praying for a disaster for a neighbor whose land does not need moisture and rain will only spoil his crop.
№ 451833   Added Viker 15-03-2023 / 09:03
Will help! After all, it was like that before.
№ 451287   Added Viker 13-03-2023 / 09:30
- They are called millions. But there is a small condition in the papers, in small letters, when the road comes here, the station must stop.
Quote Explanation: The harmonica shows Cheyenne that Jill is not just a widow farmer, but a potential rich man.
№ 451257   Added Viker 13-03-2023 / 09:22
Modern industrial society has become the religion of fanatics. We are destroying, poisoning, destroying all living systems on this planet. We sign bills that our children can't pay... We act like we're the last generation on this planet. If there is no fundamental change in our hearts, minds, ideas, then the Earth will become as burned and dead as Venus.
№ 451000   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 11:46
The city knew about the darkness. He knew about the darkness that comes when the earth turns to the sun on the other side, and about the darkness of the human soul. The city is a combination of three parts, more than just parts. The city is the people who live in it; they are buildings erected for life or for business; this is his land.
№ 450978   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 11:43
There is no way back. Fog ahead!
№ 450877   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 11:28
- Look, we're not doing exact sciences. The key word here is science. And it does not consist only of logic, facts and empirical observations. Yes, all these comparisons are important, but a number of important discoveries and breakthroughs occurred because some of the scientists, sitting in the laboratory, dared to push the facts aside and rely on their faith, to take a step into the unknown. Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge, and I completely agree with him. Sometimes you just have to believe that two plus two equals five. And you need to figure out how to get that five. And then you still need to convince the whole world of this. Not so long ago, mankind thought that the Earth was flat and the Sun revolved around it.
№ 450314   Added Viker 14-02-2023 / 09:34
Spring comes and a person changes. He is no longer in a makeshift dungeon, enclosed within four walls, but at large, under a clear sky, in clean air. In the field, in the forest, on the waters - everywhere a man seems to be newly created, or multiplied. And the earth, one might say, again enters into his dominion: with the onset of spring, the fields begin to furrow under his plow; rivers and seas foam under his oar; the air is cut by his sails; the very clouds part to make room for his balloons.
№ 450202   Added MegaMozg 11-02-2023 / 06:42
War unwinnable - Earth uninhabitable.
№ 449736   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 20:21
My Motherland is being trampled by the enemy... I am just like you. Yes, to kill. Yes, in a minefield. Yes, like sheep. But, if some of us break through and take the German positions, we will provide the neighbors with an offensive. And then the tanks will go into the gap. And may we... May we lie there! But at least we will recapture some of the enemy. Let's grab some! And power has nothing to do with it, whatever it is, is or will be. Our land must be ours! So that grandchildren walk on our land. And let my bones rot by then, I agree to this!... And you, if you are not cheap, who only have their own skin, you will come with me. I'm begging you guys. I will kneel before you...
Quote Explanation: The penal battalion was given the task of taking Hill 114. The battalion would have to break through to the hill through a mined field. Glymov refuses to lead his men to the mines. Battalion commander Tverdokhlebov understands that many will die in the minefield, but he also knows that the order must be obeyed at any cost.
My Motherland is being trampled by the enemy... I am just...
№ 449576   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 12:12
Blue is the color of the sky, and white and black are its frame, like air and earth. In the Cobalt Club, artists find creative inspiration like cranes soaring through blue skies.
№ 449399   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2023 / 10:03
Man is the twin of the earth. When God created man, he likened him to our temporary abode, the planet Earth. The giant planet Earth is just one of our cells.
№ 448666   Added Viker 09-01-2023 / 10:43