medication [Theme]

- I... You're just a miracle! Your body just absorbs it. I've never seen anything like this before. My Ligadon is like water, and you are a flower. You are the most perfect and beautiful creature in the whole world. And a significant part of you is Ligadon. How could I not get married?
№ 463093   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:28
And all these stupid people, Roderick... If you don’t want Ligadon, don’t buy it. If you don't want to get hooked, don't lean on it. They are angry that we made it available and desirable. You idiots, this is our job! These people... First they want a cheap lunch in five minutes, and then they whine that it's made of crap and plastic. McDonald's would only serve coleslaw if people ate it. It's there, but people don't buy it. We'll do research on AIDS, diabetes and heart disease, but first we'll figure out how to make old penises stand five minutes longer. What is the market share of sluggish members, Roderick? Sixty, seventy percent of the market belongs to the pharmaceutical industry? That year the Pentagon spent eighty-three million on Viagra. Meanwhile, the fucking Supreme Court is doing its thing: overturning women's constitutional right to abortion, taking away not only their choice, but their future, their potential. We turn men into inseminators, and women into factories producing what? - poor labor force. Which one will spend what? - the little that earns for consumption. And what desires do we inspire in them? - at home, which they cannot afford. Cars that poison the air. Disposable plastic. Clothes made by hungry children in third world countries. And they want it all so badly that they beg, scream, insist. And the problem... is us? These stupid monsters, these money-grubbers, these greedy mouths. They blame you and me for everything. They themselves invented us. They always needed us. So you and I have nothing to embarrass, brother. It's time to pay. So let’s not hide in the basement as if we have something to be ashamed of. No. Not for us. You and me against the world. Let death itself appear! If she wants damn Madeleine Usher, she should look me in the eye first.
№ 463091   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:27
Everything is poison and everything is medicine, the only difference is the dosage.
№ 462191   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:50
Therefore, he says to himself: “I thought about her correctly and adequately when I met her. My perception of her was correct. Everything is fine with me. She is the one who has changed. Why she changed so much - I don’t know. This is all the influence of her envious friends. Her family is turning her against me. Is she mentally ill or is she physically ill. Perhaps some medications affected her.
Quote Explanation: Internalization is the process of transforming beliefs, values, evaluations of other people and norms of behavior into qualities of one’s own personality, both positive and negative.
№ 461689   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2024 / 03:54
I show others the right path, which I myself found so late, tired of wandering.
№ 458920   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 11:12
Didn’t you know that being close is more important than medicine?
№ 458065   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 13:12
Let us consider what a powerful remedy philosophy gives us against diseases of the soul. These means undoubtedly exist, and nature was not so hostile to the human race that, having squandered so many substances useful for the body, it did nothing for the soul. On the contrary, she showed us all the more affection because the medicines for the body are outside of us, and the medicines for the soul are contained in herself. But the more, the more divine their action, the more attention should be used with them. Reason will show us these medicines, a mind which, well directed, will always discover the highest good, and which, if neglected, falls into a thousand errors.
№ 454273   Added Viker 20-06-2023 / 09:07
Hell is the cure for lust that has not been completely cleansed.
№ 448717   Added Viker 09-01-2023 / 11:13
Words are the most destructive weapon in the world. Words are the most incomparable medicine in the world.
№ 447971   Added Viker 29-12-2022 / 09:41
Science and medicines change over the years, but pharmacy smell is eternal, like matter. Our grandfathers sniffed it, and grandchildren will sniff it.
№ 447356   Added MegaMozg 07-12-2022 / 07:33
Death is the only cure for stupidity.
Death is the only cure for stupidity.
№ 446431   Added MegaMozg 14-11-2022 / 08:03
There is no cure for poverty.
№ 442881   Added Viker 06-08-2022 / 08:48
Many patients need not be stuffed with medicines, but well angered.
№ 438978   Added Viker 25-05-2022 / 19:20
Writing is medicine. It is an effective antidote for spiritual wounds. This is a great companion in any difficult change.
№ 435930   Added MegaMozg 20-02-2022 / 07:36
As the proverb says, there is no cure only for death.
№ 434840   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 03:30