fascism [Theme]

Even now I often think about fascism. And you know, sometimes he looks very impressive. He seduced entire countries with his muscles.
Even now I often think about fascism. And you know,...
№ 458374   Added MegaMozg 09-11-2023 / 00:15
- Is there truth on earth? Are they, these... - she hesitated, as if trying to find in the human lexicon the exact word that would sufficiently describe the Nazis who tormented her. I tried and couldn't find it. - Will they really not answer for me, for all of us?
№ 457036   Added MegaMozg 29-09-2023 / 07:54
How many years have passed, but I cannot forget either the expression in his eyes, or his slightly ironic smile, or the very definition: Democracy in good weather.
How many years have passed, but I cannot forget either the...
№ 456959   Added MegaMozg 25-09-2023 / 07:51
- And always have been.
№ 455370   Added MegaMozg 31-07-2023 / 00:18
Jews for fashion - this is the death of the mind!
№ 450044   Added Viker 08-02-2023 / 11:06
I want, - writes Rozhetsky, - that each letter of these names should be imprinted with special clarity. These names should not be forgotten. There were death camps here. Innocent people were destroyed here by the Nazis just because they were Jews.
№ 449883   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2023 / 03:45
What the Gestapo called "work" meant death in every other language.
№ 449882   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2023 / 03:42
Madness and lies were everything that the rulers of the Third Empire did and ordered. Their words were lies, their silence was lies. They got up with a lie, they went to bed with a lie. Their whole system was a lie, their laws were a lie, their sentences were a lie, their German speech, science, law, faith were a lie. Their nationalism and socialism was a lie. Their morals and love were lies. Everything was a lie. And only one thing was true: their misanthropy.
№ 449695   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 18:18
Many people showed indifference to public life. They believed in the deceptive calm of everyday life, in the artificial merriment of the festivities and manifestations that the “browns” arranged in abundance to drown out the blatant poverty of the peasants and workers, the horrors of concentration and labor camps. In addition, those who took the place of the expelled talented people, and those who ate scraps from the table of the new rulers, created the illusion of a new prosperity. The majority of the population, of course, could not be deceived: there were more indignant than satisfied. At the sight of the marching detachments of landsknechts, the dissatisfied hid in the doorways, just to avoid the obligatory greeting. They bit their lips until they bled when they heard the vile song that "the world is only good when you put a knife in the throat of a Jew." But no one dared to open his mouth: for an objectionable word, they were brought to trial.
№ 449692   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 18:09
Lies and violence went hand in hand. The "browns" abolished the principles that since the French Revolution have been the basis of the social life and culture of the peoples. They re-introduced slavery under the guise of "voluntary labor service." They imprisoned their opponents, kept them worse than animals, subjected them to torture and called it "physical training." They burned swastikas on their bodies, forced them to urinate on each other, plucked grass with their mouths, led them in buffoon processions through the streets and called it "education in the spirit of national identity." The commandment "Thou shalt not kill" was abolished. Political assassination was extolled as a heroic deed, the Fuehrer called the murderers - precisely because they were murderers - his brothers; memorial plaques were erected to the murderers, the dead were thrown out of the graves; one murderer - precisely because he was a murderer - was elevated to the rank of police president. During the first three months of fascist domination in the country, there were five hundred and ninety-three murders with impunity - more than in the entire previous decade. This figure includes only registered, documented murders. And the number of those executed in the first months of fascist domination was greater than in the previous fifteen years.
№ 449691   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 18:06
And meanwhile, the fog of lies enveloped Germany more and more densely. Hermetically isolated from the rest of the world, the country was given over to the power of lies, which the Nazis spewed out day after day, repeating it millions of times in the press and on the radio. For this purpose, they created a special ministry. Using all the means of modern technology, the fascists inspired the starving that they were full, the oppressed that they were free, those who were threatened by the growing indignation of the whole world, that the entire globe envied their power and greatness. Germany was preparing for war. Training was conducted in the country and outside the country, openly violating existing treaties. The purpose of life is death on the battlefield, the fascist leaders preached. War is the highest destiny of the nation, the loudspeakers proclaimed, all the free time of the youth was filled with military drill.
№ 449689   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 18:00
Beteers will not pass ... I gave my life for this.
№ 449589   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 12:51
I will give my life for this.
№ 449587   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 12:45
- He's waiting. Waiting. Will wait 20 years, 50. Maybe 100. And crawl out. It must be burned. You know what needs to be done...
- Hes waiting. Waiting. Will wait 20 years, 50. Maybe 100....
№ 449566   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 11:42
Fascism in its initial stage is doomed to success, because it arouses bestial feelings in a person, and a person is an animal. But ultimately fascism is doomed to failure, because man is a rational animal.
№ 449514   Added MegaMozg 03-02-2023 / 11:48