brain [Theme] Page 1

- Where are you in a hurry? You are sick? A? No... And this is the main thing! Everything else is a whim. Fantasies... For billions of years, nature has been creating a miracle whose name is man! And you, you dared to encroach on him?! Yes, in the entire Universe there is nothing more amazing than man! Take the stars! Well, they are shining. They shine, but do not warm. And the Sun? Sends its rays to Earth hundreds of thousands of miles away! So what? He's just wasting himself! Does he have a brain, consciousness, soul? And do you have...
- Where are you in a hurry? You are sick? A? No... And this...
№ 459924   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2023 / 16:54
He will even make excuses here. Because that's how their brains work.
№ 459113   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 11:42
Why doesn't the brain click, Sasha? Why?!
Quote Explanation: Reaction to the book by Alexander Polyarny.
№ 458777   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 12:13
Everything that our brain is not evolutionarily designed to understand will inevitably seem paradoxical to us, and the paradoxical is almost impossible to comprehend.
№ 458689   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 11:59
So, consciousness is what we are aware of: how we understand life, what we think about ourselves and other people. But our brain is ourselves. Every action in our brain, every nervous process, every reaction of our brain is us.
№ 458685   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 11:59
We trust our consciousness too much, and it is with its help that our brain skillfully covers up any of its stupidity with beautiful formulations and “wise” explanations. In essence, consciousness sanctions what, according to the mind, it should be fought against.
№ 458684   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 11:58
Now, no matter how reasonable we may seem to ourselves, our brain searches for and notes only those facts that prove it is right, and on the contrary, it strictly ignores everything that contradicts its attitudes.
№ 458681   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 11:58
Our attitude towards life is not what we think, but what connections our brain has created.
№ 458680   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 11:58
The corresponding decision was made and continues to be made by our brain. Moreover, this is a funnel: first the brain makes a decision, and then it adapts to its consequences.
№ 458679   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 11:58
The brain makes decisions before our consciousness.
№ 458676   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 11:57
We must know and remember: our brain will always and at any opportunity create contradictions and hide them from us.
№ 458675   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 11:57
Humanity and compassion are inherent in human beings, both individually and socially. This is the only species of living beings in which abstract thinking is developed to such an extent that it is able to put itself in the place of another person. It wasn't always like that, of course. Our ancestors were a little more cruel than we are, and their ancestors were even more cruel, and so on ad infinitum. But now, century after century, the expression Man
Quote Explanation: (Nikita Khanov for the magazine "Own Avalon")
№ 456460   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2023 / 19:30
There are no secrets, none. No more fairy tales and myths. The giants were driven out and the dragons destroyed. Science has completely eradicated them, and reason has overcome the human imagination. And in the world there was only one unexplored area, a place where dragons roam to this day - this is the human brain - an unexplored, dark continent.
№ 455387   Added MegaMozg 31-07-2023 / 14:18
What pleases, your tick near the eyes !!!
№ 455379   Added MegaMozg 31-07-2023 / 09:06
The perfect man washes his brain in a cappuccino.
№ 454650   Added MegaMozg 30-06-2023 / 15:09