exceptions [Theme]

Every person is an exception.
№ 463688   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:25
She was a prostitute sentenced to hard labor, and, despite this, she formed a worldview for herself in which she could approve of herself and even be proud of her position. This worldview was that the main benefit of all men, without exception, was sexual intercourse with attractive women. She, an attractive woman, may or may not satisfy this desire, and therefore she is an important and necessary person. Her entire past and present life was a confirmation of this view.
№ 462468   Added Viker 06-02-2024 / 10:08
Learning is when you know something and then react emotionally to it. And the emotional reaction to what you have learned creates a memory trace. And we call this learning. If you are simply confronted with given pieces of information and have no emotional reaction at all, you are likely to forget it. Research has shown that within one year, you are likely to forget 90% of the information you encounter. Because you don't have an emotional reaction. If I tell you facts right now about something that really doesn't interest you at all, you will most likely forget it within one year, within a few days. So this is the same thing. I know what I know about narcissism, but it doesn't trigger any emotional response. So I keep forgetting the lessons of my life. It's like every single day, I'm reborn as a child. And I make the same mistakes, I face the same problems, I experience difficulties. I do everything wrong again and again, almost without exception. I put myself in danger again and again. There is no learning process here, no cumulative acquired conditioning.
№ 461864   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 12:40
It was as if we had agreed to believe that our lives were spent in continuous fun, but we secretly realized the opposite. As far as I can judge, in this sense we were not an exception to the rule.
№ 460727   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 15:49
It is necessary that the strong do not enslave the weak, that the minority should not be a parasite or a pump for the majority, sucking the best juices out of it chronically, that is, it is necessary that everyone, without exception, both strong and weak, rich and poor, equally participate in the struggle for existence, every man for himself, and in this respect there is no better leveling means than physical labor as a common compulsory duty for all.
№ 455012   Added MegaMozg 15-07-2023 / 14:39
Deeply feeling that serfdom is contrary to the law of nature and the welfare of peoples, I hereby declare that I abolish it completely and forever on my estate Sekhnovichy, in the Brest-Litovsk Voivodeship, both on my own behalf and on behalf of its future owners. Therefore, I recognize the inhabitants of the village belonging to this property as free citizens and unlimited owners of their land. I release them from all, without exception, taxes, serfdom and personal duties, which they were hitherto indebted to the owners of this property. I only urge them to endeavor to establish schools and disseminate education for their own good and the good of the country.
№ 451328   Added Viker 13-03-2023 / 09:36
Man himself is responsible for his own destiny, since it is created by his own actions. Only he, and no one else, must experience the consequences of all his actions. Good deeds create a happy future, bad deeds create an unhappy future, but a person is forced to experience all reactions without exception. This is the law of Prakriti and no one can change it.
№ 450828   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 11:15
Russian publicist Ivan Solonevich recalled: “I had to talk with the Poles in Warsaw in January 1940. Everyone was to blame for the misfortunes that befell Poland - the Germans, the Muscovites, the British, and the Jews. They alone, the Poles, have always and without any exception acted honestly and reasonably. And the result... the result is everyone else's fault."
№ 450057   Added Viker 08-02-2023 / 11:08
But, as a rule, in 99% of cases, when the child does not grow up with rare scum, and even if so, physical abuse with the child, when it occurs, in 99% of cases from the adult's filthiness. Not because it was necessary, but because the adult is an idiot. But everywhere there are exceptions. And it is worth thinking about each case.
№ 447256   Added MegaMozg 04-12-2022 / 04:33
fully appreciate!
№ 443764   Added MegaMozg 21-08-2022 / 11:03
Everyone in the world, except God, sometimes makes mistakes. Nature herself is no exception, as long as she gives birth to monsters and freaks.
№ 438950   Added Viker 25-05-2022 / 19:16
Remember one very important thing, brother, - she then said to him, - never, at any period of your life, will it be such that everyone likes you without exception. There will always be dissatisfied. This is fine.
№ 438432   Added MegaMozg 11-05-2022 / 13:15
Do you think it is so easy to conquer the sky, young prince, - he asked with a grin, - that someone is born already knowing how to fly? No, this skill is not laid in anyone from birth. Everyone, without exception, is born to crawl. But learning to fly is hard work.
№ 438243   Added MegaMozg 02-05-2022 / 13:42
In Russian life, the exception is the rule.
№ 438084   Added MegaMozg 27-04-2022 / 11:51