depression [Theme]

Do you have enough patience for everything?
№ 465548   Added MegaMozg 03-04-2024 / 03:15
A sad person is capable of feeling.
№ 465530   Added MegaMozg 02-04-2024 / 09:09
In all our endeavors and actions, we must most of all beware of one of our most powerful enemies. This enemy is despondency. Dejection is a true temptation of the spirit of darkness, with which it attacks us, knowing how difficult it is for a person to fight it.
№ 463218   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 14:24
God, help me take a small step and not get stuck in fears. Teach me how not to stop seeing the light even where there is now impenetrable darkness. Give me strength, even in the most difficult moments, to never give up. God, help me not to hide tears of pain in the depths of my soul. Cry if you cry. And laugh when he laughs. Help me keep my heart open, despite all the hardships and trials. Help me just love. God, help me let go of despondency from my heart. See everything clearly and cleanly, accepting everything as it is. Help me find peace and harmony. Living in harmony with yourself and those around you, create and create only for the Good. Guide me, please, show me the way. And do not leave me on your paths that you have intended for me. With peace and love to you. Amen.
№ 462316   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2024 / 19:12
You can't despair. It is impossible to become despondent. What you can't change, you just need to get out of your head.
№ 462025   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 14:51
Happiness is possible only when no amount of suffering brings us down.
№ 456160   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 16:03
My mind is calmer then.
Quote Explanation: 1805
№ 455046   Added MegaMozg 17-07-2023 / 14:27
My health is better. I had a good winter. At the end of it, only the melancholy came, which I tried in every possible way to defeat. But with the approach of spring, he could not resist. My nerves shook me all over, plunged me into such despondency, into such indecision, into such anguish from my own indecision, that I was completely weary.
№ 454131   Added MegaMozg 10-06-2023 / 10:18
Be merry, because despondency is a sin, and whoever is not merry, sins.
№ 454057   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2023 / 19:42
The more energetically you drive discouragement from yourself, the sooner and better you will educate yourself, and inner self-discipline will become your habit, easy and simple.
№ 447892   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:21
Pain and suffering in life are inevitable, but despondency is optional.
№ 444263   Added MegaMozg 11-09-2022 / 08:03
Holding a champagne flute in one hand and a tickling anticipation of joy in the other, it was hard to believe how yellow and sick the world was below.
№ 440483   Added MegaMozg 05-06-2022 / 23:09
All the convictions of people, their moral principles, their joy or despondency in relations with each other, goodwill or indifference, and the like - everything depends on the degree of their enslavement in personal passions or on their liberation.
№ 440061   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 10:49
The fast pace of time didn't scare me at all. I did not become discouraged when I celebrated my fortieth birthday and when my temples turned white. To be honest, I was even impatient to grow old, because it meant moving away from the past, which had nothing to do with Paradise Lost, but seemed to me the epicenter of the drama from which I had been running away all my life.
№ 440037   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 10:45