behavior [Theme]

I am not advocating self-neglect or martyrdom. I also don't recommend living like a doormat. It's important to take care of yourself. In the event of an emergency ten kilometers above the ground, putting your oxygen mask on yourself first could be the difference between life and death. Protect yourself first, then help others. But in everyday life this metaphor usually does not work. Also, there doesn't have to be an either/or; it can be both/and. Being too self-focused can be an excuse to shut yourself out from the rest of the world. There's nothing wrong with doing nice things for yourself, but if taken to an extreme, it can become an excuse for self-absorption.
№ 466073   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2024 / 03:24
A determined cat never remains hungry, and an impudent cat never remains cold.
№ 465494   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 15:09
The belief that self-centered behavior is the only path to well-being is misleading and often harmful. Social relationships cannot be secondary. A sense of community is important for our positive mental health. He takes center stage.
№ 465432   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 07:00
Donating material goods is not the only type of generosity; the spirit of generosity can permeate all our behavior. Being kind, considerate and honest with people, giving credit where credit is due, giving comfort and advice to those who need it, simply giving someone your time are all acts of generosity that do not require us to be particularly rich.
№ 465068   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2024 / 03:30
The dictatorship of the masses exercises control over the individual, so he can no longer live independently, without regard to how he is perceived in society. People's self-respect is mistakenly based on constantly looking into the face of their neighbor in order to detect approval or censure in his expression and facial expressions in order to adapt their behavior to the requirements of the group. But since the main characteristics of the crowd are mediocrity and lack of morality, a person who imitates society dooms himself to self-destruction.
№ 464976   Added MegaMozg 20-03-2024 / 03:48
Keep your upper lip tense.
Quote Explanation: the style of an English lord, that is: never lose courage, never lose heart, keep yourself calm
№ 464555   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:06
The template was completely simple: a guy and a girl meet, start living together, if everything goes smoothly, they get married and have children. And everything is taken for granted. If at any stage the relationship breaks down, well, they didn’t get along. Not your man. And what else do they come up with, just so as not to try to figure out what the problem is... I assessed my behavior, found it acceptable, was upset that I was wrong again, and then changed the terms and added them together, wondering why the result was the same same. I obeyed an internal scheme, led a cyclical life, made the same mistakes and did not notice it. But when I committed an act that was atypical for myself, an error was recorded in my head, like in a program, and the usual reaction pattern was disrupted, which allowed me to notice an unfortunate fact: what was happening to me was a repetition with slight variations of what had happened. And I had to critically re-evaluate all those patterns of perception and behavior patterns that I had managed to pick up from society in order to finally get out of the shell of delusions. This is a difficult and long path, but I no longer want to remain a hopeless, stubborn sheep.
№ 464163   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2024 / 21:30
Reducing the price of a product makes it accessible to those categories of buyers who previously could not afford it. And an increase in the number of buyers means an increase in the demand for a given product. It is more difficult to explain the behavior of buyers of a given product, who increase the volume of its purchase precisely when the price decreases. The easiest way is to assume that some buyers purchased the product in a smaller quantity than they needed, and now, thanks to a reduction in price, they bring the amount of demand to the real need.
№ 464065   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2024 / 16:33
- Well, it’s funny, right?
№ 464000   Added Viker 15-03-2024 / 15:26
Quote Explanation: A referent is an object of extra-linguistic reality implied by the author of a particular speech segment. The referent of a certain speech segment may belong not only to the real world, but also to the imaginary one.
№ 463724   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:30
Humanity does not have true ethics and cannot follow morality because the normal behavior of people is mechanical and impulsive, and there are no strong real ethical standards in their program.
Quote Explanation: Chapter 2
№ 463164   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 12:42
The madness of modern life has deprived man of the will and sanity necessary for him to act consciously. Mechanical, stereotypical behavior has become the norm and has dulled higher abilities, making it impossible to give a correct assessment of things and phenomena.
Quote Explanation: Chapter 2
№ 463161   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 12:33
A process in which the consciousness of an individual or group of people is changed so that behavior becomes the opposite of what can be expected from the person.
Quote Explanation: Definition of the word Alienacio (madness, alienation, insanity) from the Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy
№ 463159   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 12:27
Philister (Philister from German - “Philistine”) is a contemptuous name for a person with narrow views, devoted to routine; a smug philistine, an ignorant layman, distinguished by hypocritical, sanctimonious behavior. Schopenhauer defined a philistine as a person without spiritual, that is, intellectual needs, as one who has no aspirations for knowledge and understanding, who does not receive aesthetic pleasure from art, and has only physical needs.
Quote Explanation: The word “philistine” in its positive meaning was included in Pushkin’s active vocabulary. In the novel “Eugene Onegin,” the poet Lensky is characterized by the line: “At heart a Göttingen philistine.” It is this version that appears in the first edition of the chapter on October 20, 1826, and in the reprint of 1830.
№ 463066   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:23
Society is well aware of this problem and therefore punishes in every possible way for immoral or antisocial behavior. Rejection by society and, in extreme cases, imprisonment could have long ago discouraged people from breaking the law, but in practice this does not happen, since people adhere to morality not thanks to Nature, but because of ethical norms, which are only a social inoculation for them, and not part of their inner essence. Moreover, these norms of behavior are nothing more than rules that are considered accepted in a certain society and vary greatly depending on place or constantly change over time.
Quote Explanation: Chapter 2
№ 462955   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:06