disappointment [Theme]

Bitter disappointment.
№ 465089   Added MegaMozg 24-03-2024 / 15:21
Reality is often disappointing.
Quote Explanation: Aston Martin Db5 Prize Event
Reality is often disappointing.
№ 462282   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2024 / 17:30
She looked happy and seemed so normal... She told them that we would rent an apartment together next year. Then about our graduation, our daily nine to five job, our new apartment with a mortgage. Then - engagement. And then there's the wedding. Another mortgage, this time on a house. Children. New expenses. Then the four R's: disappointment, divorce, frustration and destruction. It's all so predictable. Although she always said that she was not like everyone else, she was exactly like that - ordinary.
№ 462078   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 14:59
Sometimes we dream of things that will never come true, and this can lead us to disappointment.
№ 461089   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2024 / 11:51
(It's too late to do anything, isn't it? It's always too late.)
(Its too late to do anything, isnt it? Its always too...
№ 460828   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 16:52
Our reaction to disappointment depends on our perception of events. Therefore, we always have a choice: to experience sadness and despair, or to find new opportunities and a path to a better version of ourselves.
№ 458229   Added MegaMozg 04-11-2023 / 14:24
Usually we judge others only by external signs and tend to see only flaws in them. But if we take a closer look, we will see that human nature is like a carpet woven from millions of threads. People's shortcomings and shortcomings are often caused by a combination of circumstances - a psychological reaction to emotional wounds, violence and rejection from society, disappointment, insecurity, suffering, humiliation or illness.
№ 457936   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:52
School is the place where our journey through life begins, where concepts such as disappointment, joy, hope, and love are revealed to us. As soon as you leave this path, you will immediately find yourself an outcast. Being at school will seem like hell, and all daytime leisure will consist of observing others. As if you are a stranger among your own. A person who has left this path will not have such concepts as love, friendship, only the bitter awareness that something is missing...
Quote Explanation: The moral is that school is not only the center of your learning, it influences much more than you think, it shapes people, personality, our beliefs. A person who formed his personality around friends and groups will find it difficult to understand why other poor fellows lack friends, communication, and why they themselves are like that. rather, he will try to demean it by playing at being a dramatic person.
№ 457106   Added MegaMozg 02-10-2023 / 05:24
The stronger the love is at the beginning, the more bitter the disappointment turns out to be when the relationship has exhausted itself.
№ 456940   Added MegaMozg 24-09-2023 / 00:03
Disappointment is like a cold - they need to be ill. But then a strong immunity is formed.
№ 455118   Added MegaMozg 19-07-2023 / 20:00
When fighting, running away, losing, crying is normal, but do not give up, no matter what wounds you have left. Wounds are needed both physical and mental so as not to repeat your mistakes, to remember how cruel this world is, that there is only pain and disappointment in it, but fight for those who are dear to you ... *. *.
№ 451996   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2023 / 18:24
People don't see what's behind success: trying, suffering, desperation, sweat, failure, defeat, pain, and disappointment. Therefore, if you have begun your path to success, do not expect it to be direct and convenient. On this path, you will have to fall, get up, fall again, lose your bearings, fight obstacles, but still go forward.
№ 450457   Added MegaMozg 17-02-2023 / 02:15
Sometimes it is better to be ignorant than to be afraid or disappointed.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the double-named writer Elzarette-Victoria Keeneward (1995)
№ 449854   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2023 / 02:18