disappointment [Theme] Page 3

And I will also confess to you that my mother disappointed me as hell. I don't want to be like her. And I never will. On that day, when I, frightened to death, crawled upstairs on my knees, my mother had to collect herself from the floor, come to me and tell me how hurt and bad she was, how humiliated and offended she was, she had to say that dad hurt her, but that not all men are like my father - there are good ones. But she didn't come...
№ 435513   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2022 / 03:30
No love, dear pan writer, exists. It's just a temporary drug hallucination.
№ 435509   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2022 / 03:18
Whatever you think, disappointment comes.
№ 435407   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2022 / 02:39
Disappointment is a direct consequence of expectations...
№ 434941   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 08:33
Everyone has expectations. Disappointment is a way of life.
№ 434217   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2022 / 07:54
I'm on the shore, the waves are carrying debris past me.
№ 433743   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2021 / 04:36
We urgently need to eradicate the desire to be comfortable for everyone. If you don't like it, tell me. No, she won't tell. This is terrible. Because for the whole world you will not be good, it is impossible. There is always someone who doesn't like something about you. And again disappointment, and again pain, and again suffering. You need to like yourself, you need to forgive yourself, you need to love yourself.
Release Date: 07.12.2021
№ 432708   Added MegaMozg 07-12-2021 / 15:12
Disappointment, you must admit, is an integral part of life.
Disappointment, you must admit, is an integral part of life.
№ 432113   Added MegaMozg 20-11-2021 / 12:48
In real life, dreams are often shattered, and fragments torment the soul for a long time ...
№ 430554   Added MegaMozg 10-10-2021 / 22:21
You gave me roses, and I left them there to die.
№ 429986   Added Viker 05-10-2021 / 17:32
- Kitriarch told me that it is not enough, that I just want to learn. It is not enough that I study here at the Academy, I have received my doctorate. No, he expects more. He expects me to become a Time Lord with all their genetic privileges, and then sit in a room to explore the galaxy. He said that I, I should think about the place of work. Well, I won't go back. No, I won't. He jabbed a finger at Badger. - And you can tell him - if he wants to listen - that you told me that I am worthless, that I am a disappointment for home, family and all cousins, and he can come himself instead of sending you just because we - friends.
№ 429141   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 17:24
It looks so vulgar! In the snow - and that is soot.
№ 428681   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 13:05
Joyful hopes lead to disappointment.
Joyful hopes lead to disappointment.
№ 426266   Added MegaMozg 21-08-2021 / 02:33
People aren't as beautiful as I thought.
№ 425988   Added MegaMozg 20-08-2021 / 12:36
Thousands of times I have believed my illusions. They never let me down and always carefully escorted me to disappointment.
№ 424445   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2021 / 20:48