compassion [Theme]

• Loving all your life is given only to a few.
Quote Explanation: © Copyright: Piotr Kwiatkowski, 2019
№ 465420   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 06:24
True compassion is not only an emotional response, but also a conscious acceptance of an unshakable commitment. Thus, a truly compassionate attitude toward others does not change even if those others behave negatively.
№ 464956   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2024 / 17:15
Man in one word - compassion.
№ 464587   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:11
When compassion or good-heartedness arises in us, forcing us to shift attention from our own narrow interests to someone else’s, it’s as if doors open inside us. Under the influence of compassion, our fears weaken, we become more confident in ourselves, stronger internally.
№ 463410   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 11:22
If you are depressed, you do not need to see a psychoanalyst. Generate love and compassion in your heart, and depression will go away by itself, because depression is a consequence of egocentrism, fixation on one’s “I”. You look too closely at your little problem, bring it too close to your eyes, and this makes your depression worse. Look at your problem from afar, but take a closer look at the problems of other people. Depression will evaporate just as the darkness in a room disappears at dawn when the sun's rays penetrate the window.
№ 462250   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2024 / 16:00
She evoked strange feelings at that moment. It seems to be pity, but not compassion. It seemed as if her heart had been ripped out of her, and sadness remained just another ghost, a memory of love on the bones of hatred.
Quote Explanation: Michael Noonan on a ghostly vision with Sarah Tidwell.
№ 461543   Added Viker 15-01-2024 / 13:00
In modern society, where cruelty and hatred towards others are often cultivated, the struggle with other people for gaining high social status and appropriating maximum material wealth is encouraged, the Church must preach in word and demonstrate in practice its faith and conviction that compassion, mercy , sacrificial love for another person is a universal and absolute ethical value.
№ 457736   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:20
I can't make someone else stop suffering. It is important to let people go and let them live their lives, and let you do your own. The doors of positive change can only be opened from within. The request and desire to change must be hard-earned.
№ 457638   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:04
Humanity and compassion are inherent in human beings, both individually and socially. This is the only species of living beings in which abstract thinking is developed to such an extent that it is able to put itself in the place of another person. It wasn't always like that, of course. Our ancestors were a little more cruel than we are, and their ancestors were even more cruel, and so on ad infinitum. But now, century after century, the expression Man
Quote Explanation: (Nikita Khanov for the magazine "Own Avalon")
№ 456460   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2023 / 19:30
The real indicator of compassion is not abstract reasoning, but real actions in our daily life.
№ 455749   Added Viker 24-08-2023 / 11:08
And no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great.
№ 454773   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2023 / 15:06
Only the one who has experienced pain is able to see it in another living being.
№ 454002   Added Lady_Lesya 02-06-2023 / 19:41
Mercy and compassion is the strongest and most honest of all religions. She is essentially selfless!
№ 453676   Added MegaMozg 18-05-2023 / 14:24
Lord our God, our young patriots, the idols of our hearts, go into battle - be with them! In our thoughts, together with them, we leave the peace and warmth of our dear hearths and go to smash our enemies. Lord our God, help us smash their soldiers to bloody shreds with shells; help us to litter their flowering fields with the lifeless corpses of their patriots; help us drown out the roar of the guns with the cries of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us with a hurricane of fire to raze their modest dwellings to the ground; help us to torment the hearts of their innocent widows with inconsolable grief; help us to deprive them of friends and shelter, so that they roam with their little children through the barren plains of their devastated country, in tatters, tormented by thirst and hunger, scorched by the sun in summer, trembling from the icy wind in winter, completely despairing, vainly begging you to open before them the doors of the grave so that they may find rest; for us who worship you, O Lord, crush their hopes to ashes, ruin their lives, prolong their woeful wanderings, make their steps heavier, sprinkle their path with tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! With love and faith, we pray for this to the one who is the source of love, a true friend and refuge for all those who suffer, who seek his help with a humble heart and a penitent soul. Amen.
№ 451834   Added Viker 15-03-2023 / 09:04
The servant of God and yours read a prayer. Did he think before reading it? Is this one prayer? No, there are two of them: one - which he said aloud, and the other - which he did not say. And both reached the ears of the one who hears all requests - expressed and unspoken. Think about it - and remember. If you begin to ask for blessings on your deeds and deeds, be careful, because at this moment you can inadvertently bring a curse on your neighbor. If you pray for rain, because your fields need it, then you may be praying for a disaster for a neighbor whose land does not need moisture and rain will only spoil his crop.
№ 451833   Added Viker 15-03-2023 / 09:03