Book: Wizard's first rule. Page 1

When you hit the enemy with the sword of Truth, has to pay for it.... You and I both know that sometimes, when no other choice, man has in the name of good to go for the kill. Depriving a person of life, nothing can change until the end of carry a heavy burden on my conscience. That's the price. The feeling of guilt makes you weaker, takes strength.
Quote Explanation: For every action in life you have to pay. Even if it's for good.
№ 86264   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2017 / 15:34
The magic of Orden only power. Like any other power, it in itself is not evil and not good. It exists and all. ... Are not magic, the point is, who has it.
№ 86262   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2017 / 15:34
this beautiful box is a shell for the present hidden inside.
№ 13654   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:50
- A small snake needs to be careful when you don't know who you are dealing with. Our first task is to get ee to worry about. It is necessary that she was afraid to bite us.
№ 13652   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
What does that mean, ' asked Kahlan to love someone more than life, to be able to be near him and to be loved?
Finally he said quietly:
- It was a feeling like I found the missing half of himself, and finally integrity.
№ 13651   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
Sometimes wizards have to use people to do what is necessary.
№ 13650   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
The thought hurt feeling... And if you tell him a lot of information, he will try to do what he knows I want him, not what he feels. I should give correct direction to the target and the rest to give him.
№ 13649   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
Kahlan glared at Zedd.
- He was surprisingly able to guess the o things o that he doesn't want to tell.
№ 13646   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
- What would co me next?
- You continue with your business. Nothing more to be done.
№ 13645   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
Rules wizards should know only the wizards. They may seem cynical or trivial, but it is a powerful weapon if you know how to properly apply them. Truth is a weapon.
№ 13644   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
- What, - with a question answered Zedd - you need to walk across the room and kill all the flies? No, rather they do not pay attention until it's needed. Ho when the flies try to bite, they start to push.
№ 13643   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
If someone digs a pit and fills ee rainwater, who is to blame: the rain or the one who dug the pit? Who is to blame: darken Rahl or the ones who digs a pit and allows him to fill in the ee?
- Probably, and he and others replied Kahlan. And that means we have a lot of enemies.
- And very dangerous - he raised his thumb Zedd. Deadly fools who do not want to know the Truth. You, as a Confessor, probably already know that. She nodded. They often do not behave as expected, and that you can come across. People that are not waiting for anything bad, can suddenly kill you.
- Ho it changes nothing, ' said Kahlan. - Because if y Rahl will be all the boxes he will need, he will destroy us all. He remains the head of the snake, and the head should be cut off.
You're right, shrugs Zedd, but we need to survive, to be able to kill the snake. There are a lot of snakes that can kill us before.
№ 13642   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
Zedd nodded.
- It is the First Rule of the Magician, so most of the work was done by others. That is why we so hard. He gets supporters because people are not interested in the Truth, a fact, what they believe, and people are willing to fight to the death for their beliefs, no matter how false those beliefs may be.
Richard slowly rose, staring off into the darkness.
- I thought co we are fighting evil that must be curbed. Ho then realized that that's not all. To that comes now, like a plague, a plague of fools.
№ 13641   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
- B the life of the strongest wins. No one sympathizes with the victims, just admire the power of the winner.
- Ho people do not think so, - not stand Kahlan.
Zedd smiled slyly.
- Really? He pointed to a stunted tree that grew next to the fire. Look at that big tree, honey, a then - this. Now tell me, which do you prefer?
This. - Kahlan showed on the big pine. - It's beautiful.
Hy you see? People think just that. You said yourself that it is beautiful. You chose the tree-killer, not a tree-sacrifice. - He smiled triumphantly. - Ha this is nature.
№ 13640   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49
Richard raised his head and looked at the beautiful pine tree that towered over them. He suddenly realized that he wanted to say Zedd. He looked at the branches that stretched in all directions in the long struggle for the light for themselves to the detriment of neighbouring trees. Success was deprived of the living space of the young shoots, and she is often interfere with growing the shade of a tree, the progenitor. A few closest to the pine trees were weak and sickly, they are all victims of a large tree. "That's right, he thought, nature is the goal through murder."
№ 13639   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:49