Book: Destroy the thirtieth

If you do not receive a dream, you're in one of two States: either opened your body and doesn't want to go into a dormant state. Or excited your brain and doesn't let go dormant. And in either case it is not necessary to do violence on myself and to force myself to sleep. Even if it succeeds, it will be a bad dream and disgusting hotel. I suggest another way, take my advice with joy and confidence and he will help you at the right time.
Suggest two ways: the first is active, take your body some work, and the code will come tired, come and sleep.
The second way is passive, lying down relax all your muscles, close your eyes and begin to remember episodes from your life, the brain itself will tell you what events you want to "see", and you quietly lose the boundary between your thoughts and sleep.
Quote Explanation: The main character remembers the advice of his wise teacher, Guardian of the Ancient Sign - on behavior with insomnia.
№ 219413   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 09:14