Book: Prince

... the Byzantine aristocracy were very much the wave of blades. Also clear: in a country where rarely a Bishop dying a natural death, nobility all the time we have to personally defend themselves from who sent the killers. I want to live - learn to spin. In this case, with a fighting iron.
№ 259060   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 17:36
I'll give you the last chance, Maseg bar Mattah! - sternly said Ali Bay. - Surrender! And I swear I won't hurt you or your family!
Hiding behind the mercenaries of the Past were going to rebel, but just remember that of Ali Bey, Moslem and Mohammedan, the oath given to a person of another faith, is not worth the quarters of the dirham. That is why the oath of allegiance to Hakan Mohammedans gave in the presence of his priest.
Quote Explanation: Ali Bey, a Moslem or Muslim - follower of Islam, Maseg from "white" Gusar of the Jewish faith.
№ 258928   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 17:31
Reguh looked at the other... and suddenly smacked him on the shoulder.
- Want to get rid of me? - he laughed. - Will not work! I'm staying.
- Excellent! Maseg smiled. - We will beat them for sure!
- You crazy! - said Elda, with great disapproval of those who heard the monologue Ragua <...>. - Two against three hundred! Why would you even fight? Take everything and go!
- Shut up, woman! - said Meleg. - You do not understand what an honor!
But I know what life is! Unable to burn down the manor house and gardens with a vineyard, if you don't want to leave them to the enemy!
- Here! Maseg turned to Raghu. - How many years lives with me, and remained normanly.
№ 258927   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 17:31
With one bull two skins will not be removed.
№ 258872   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 17:30