Book: How to do newspaper

Good COP chronicler swift as the wind, the police referred to as "our guys", you'll be a detective tendencies and is able to penetrate anywhere.
№ 380894   Added MegaMozg 22-10-2019 / 03:09
A characteristic feature of the judicial chronicler - a very low opinion of justice in this world, and of police detectives, lawyers, witnesses, criminals and in General about all people.
№ 380893   Added MegaMozg 22-10-2019 / 03:06
Political observers with some disregard to relate to the ideological concepts on policy and are judged more in terms of personal relationships and conjunctural interests of politicians.
№ 380890   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2019 / 22:30
Write about the pickpocket, who was to be tried thirty times, that he's a known pickpocket recidivist, and he will give you to court for defamation of personality, and you lose this case, or rather it loses managing editor, and in addition, it will cost the wording of the Bank.
№ 380889   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2019 / 22:29
If the newspaper say that someone is a political rogue, and is generally a geek and that someone, contrary to expectations, will feel that his honor and good name subjected to the public shame, the managing editor summoned to court. And he or present evidence of his innocence, or humbly declare, that the articles not read, did not write and did not give to the press, which is mostly true.
№ 380888   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2019 / 22:29
Sometimes a person goes in the newspaper because he feels that he can well write. But this is not required. Journalists, like actors or politicians, are people of different professions who find themselves on the roads.
№ 380887   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2019 / 22:26
As far as I know, no one still not tried to establish where are the journalists. However, there is the Institute of journalism, but I've never met a journalist who went there. But I found out that kzhdy journalist was once a doctor, engineer, lawyer, writer, employee of the chamber of Commerce or something, but for whatever reason left the previous job.
№ 380886   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2019 / 22:21