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Tigran Babayan. Beauty requires sacrifice, ...1
Tigran Babayan. Propose Amendments ...1
Tigran Babayan. The soul of the woman is the dessert, ...1
Tigran Babayan. While the consonants agree, ...1
Tigran_mag008. You don't have to believe in fate...1
Tigran_mag008. If you hear from someone...1
Tigran_mag008. Appreciate the one who without you ...1
Tik tok. You know, I have...1
Tikhon Shooters. The dreamer3
Tilekov Bayzak. The best education...1
Tim. Thick notebook1
Tim. Asking yourself questions ...1
Tim. Klaus1
Tim. One kind deed ...1
Tim. I want you to understand ...1
Tim. I set it on fire every time ...1
Tim. Poets were before, now ...1
Time. Dot1
Timofey. The most terrible person...1
Timofey Bore. Don't joke with me, crucian...1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. I ***, I'm armored1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Well, what can I tell you...1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. What are you laughing at, pea soup?1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. me with a bag1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. How did you switch1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. What do you want, Nutcracker ***any?1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Somehow, for the time being...1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Hare pounding, little drummer...1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Shut up you f*ck...1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. In the Caribbean1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Get off me with...1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Go to Caribbean1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. If it's an ear, then...1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Stop laughing like a idiot1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Fucking switch, shut up...1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Get the fuck out of me, motherfucker...1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Caribbean1
Timofey Vasilievich Zanuda. Come on1
Timothy Costin. The accident flight 13132
Timothy Costin. - Thank you, of course ...1