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Yuri Tuboltsev. Digging too deep ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. A lighthouse in a swamp won't help1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is not a monkey...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Lack of love leads...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't crow the crow1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Black Square - a masterpiece ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The fool breaks the wall...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. You can be on top...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Where there are many connections, there ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Modern man ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The mirror is the player ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The woman submits...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Pattern is the opposite...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. A person is given either happiness ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. If interested for a long time...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The cat contains a nucleus ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Do not look for spirituality in the garbage1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The moment doesn't match...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. My best poems I ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. You can't elevate a chicken...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Human life is ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. An insignificant worm in its beak...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Especially refined humor ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. If there is nothing to choose from...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is always...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is frozen ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. He who is silent is right...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Where there are three people - there ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Who eats fast...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. There lived two men...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Life radically narrows ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. When there is negativity around...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The twists of thought do not allow...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Do you want to take the shortest...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. I killed the plebeian in me...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The door can't always...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The black square is ...38
Yuri Tuboltsev. Dismantling a thought means...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Realists don't notice...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't judge a person by ...1