Max Stirner. The only one and his property (№ 211966)

Wanted to inspire the people and the state that gave them a broader meaning of "humanity" and "universal mind", but slavery was still more severe; and philanthropists, and humane rulers as oppressive, as politicians and diplomats.
New critics are fighting against religion because it sets God, the divine, moral, etc. outside of man, as something objective; they, on the contrary, invest it all as subjective, in person. But they do, again, is a characteristic error of religion that ascribe to the "vocation" of man, considering him divine, human, etc., saying that morality, freedom, humanity - the "essence" of a person. And just like religion, and politics wants to "educate" man, to help identify its "essence", its "purpose", in General to make it into something, namely "true man", religion wants to make it "true believer", the policy of "true citizen or subject". Essentially it all comes down to the same, no matter how to call "purpose" - divine or human. Religion and politics put a man on the ground of duties: it needs to be made here it should be like that. With this postulate, that dictates people come not only to each other but also to ourselves. Our critics say: you have to be a whole, free man. And they are ready to proclaim a new religion, to build a new absolute, a new ideal - freedom. People should be free. It is not surprising if there are even missionaries of freedom, after all, gave rise to the Christianity of the missionaries of faith from the belief that all people are to become Christians. And now faith had formed the Church, morality, the state and freedom forms a new community and begin corresponding "propaganda". Of course, nothing can be against the creation of a community, but you must resist the restoration of the old care, in General, the principle that of us need to do anything, Christian, citizen, free or "person".
№ 211966   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:53

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