Max Stirner. The only one and his property (№ 212016)

The leaders of the revolution often spoke about the "great revenge" of the people as his right. Revenge and right are the same. But is this the I to "I"? The people shouted that the other party has committed against him the crime. But can I make that the person has committed a crime on me, if I don't assume that the person had to do what I wanted? And only such an act I call correct, right, good, etc., and all the opposite is considered a crime. Thus I believe that others should with me strive for the same goal, that is, I treat them not as the only ones that carry their own laws and live according to them, as to creatures, obliged to obey some "rational" law. I establish that this abstract "man", "man" as such, and what is "truly human" behavior, and then demand that everyone thought this law is the norm and the ideal, otherwise it will be in my eyes a "sinner and criminal". "Guilty" also comprehends "the punishment of the law."
№ 212016   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:54

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