Alexander Cherching. Course work for the swamp inhabitants (№ 213116)

Unlike the vast majority of people in a similar situation, home I was drawn, except that all does not sdyhaet cactus on the window sill of own apartment. We used to have many colors... When mom was. But two years ago she went missing. So simply and completely without a trace. Went to work - didn't come home. As evaporated.
And at that time the city there were unpleasant rumors about the killer. But the body is not found. As and things.
First there was a crazy hope and convulsive searches, and then a dull despair and indifference to everything. And I'm beside myself. More than six months in a black hole is lost. During that time got away from me cat, boy, and killed all colors except the resistant cactus. I even deliberately tried to kill him. Failed. And in some point when you look at green, in spite of all tests, plants, standing on the dusty window, I came up with the idea: "And what have I done?" Why wilt?
№ 213116   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 15:46

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