Dmitry Rus. To play, to live. Book 6. War (№ 224302)

- Attention! The king Basilisks gained flesh!
The horror of ancient times back in our reality, the world will never be the same!
Shamefully sitting on my ass and spitting blood from the broken fragments of ribs of light, I cocked his head, looked at the edifice of the King of Kings. The Japanese have a holiday today - they love these kind of gigantuan...
Sweep around hard look snake eyes, creature unerringly found me among the thousands of intelligent and smooth movement of the hole brought the booth to my face. Vertical pupils groped my opinion, and a steel hammer struck the mind, trying to subdue his will and get obedient, though a bit degenerative of a slave. Protection from mental pressure has spread rotten rag, the power of Progresa lost to the king of Kings, from the loan of crutches was only one hamster - wheezing, cornered, but "for his" ready to fight even with all the bright Pantheon. I infinitely ancient creature... one... One Basilisk inspired me the status of a weightless mote, miraculously caught in the eyes of the Lord. I slowly reached for the Staff, and figure out how to cut through the eyeball, hold out for recess century by pouring tons of muddy slurry, and then penetrates inside the ancient head and begin to slice the brain into thin slices... the King blinked, tugged at her upper lip and slowly looked away.
You're strong, intelligent! Recognize for you the right to personally appeal to the King of Kings! the alarm sounded in my head.
№ 224302   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 13:05

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